The power of the Time Emperor's Hand

Aur's eyes narrowed, and there was still a hint of calmness in his eyes.

"So you can divine luck?" he said.

"Yes," The blindfolded woman nodded with a smile on her face. "Unlike fate and destiny, luck is just a probability, and there is a chance that it will not happen as well. However, those with high luck, unlike those suppressed with absolute or impeccable plans, will grow strong."

"Oh, you are right." Aur nodded his head as if he was enlightened. The understanding of his luck magic deepened again.

"How could you still react normally when time itself has paused?"

He asked with a little confusion, since this woman was talking to him and not taking action, then Aur would also not take action. Besides, he wasn't powerless; he was rapidly recovering his mana passively, and he still had an early tier three body if something went wrong.

There was still a reserve of tier six mana if nothing else, and the tier six spell.