Solution out of the prison?

"I… I don't want to die…"

Nina thought in her heart as she felt her life flashing before her eyes; Aur's cold, merciless crimson pupils made her tremble from the depths of her being.

Just as the force of Aur's grip increased, Nina felt that it was the end for her.

An invisible force spread out, and before Aur could react, he was sent crashing into the walls of the prison again, helpless.

Nina fell to the ground, her breathing ragged as she gasped for air.


Her world changed, and she found herself in a peaceful and serene environment outside.

Aur looked at the vanished Nina outside the cage where she had appeared, pity on his face.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't kill her, but it doesn't matter since she made her move," Aur's eyes flashed with amusement as he sat down in a meditative pose, consuming some potion to recover his blood and Qi.