Shift of attention!

Everybody looked towards where Chen Mumu was pointing and immediately gasped. At the corner stood a man casually holding a wine glass while looking in the distance. He seemed so detached that it was a bit funny.

The mysterious boyfriend stood there, an air of indifference surrounding him. He was tall, with a lean build, and his sharp features gave off an enigmatic vibe. The guests, who had just witnessed the tumultuous events between Chen Xu, Jiang Lei, and Chen Mumu, now shifted their attention to this new player in the unfolding drama.

Chen Mumu, seizing the opportunity to redirect the focus, continued, "See? I told you. Now, would you please release my arm, Jiang Lei? My boyfriend doesn't appreciate unnecessary drama."

Jiang Lei, still processing all the revelations that had been released, stared at the corner to try and make out the figure Chen Mumu was pointing towards. He was in the dark so his facial features could not be seen clearly but right then, the lights were suddenly switched on and his eyes widened in shock!

That person was…his boss!

His hold on Chen Mumu tightened, "Mumu, is that…your new boyfriend?"

Mumu smiled and struggled to release herself from his hold, "Yes he is!"

She then walked slowly towards the man and winked nervously and then she whispered towards him, "Please help me out!"

Before the man could react, Chen Mumu had already laced her fingers with his own and even pulled him towards where Jiang Lei and Chen Xu were, "This is my new boyfriend. As you can see, he is more handsome and richer than you so there is no way I would do what you are accusing me of!"

Jiang Lei looked angry, "Chen Mumu!"

Chen Mumu simply shrugged and held the man's hand even tighter!

When she was still dating Jiang Lei, she realized that he hated being compared to other men. The stranger she had chosen was indeed more handsome and the way he was dressed screamed money and power so Jiang Lei was really suffering right now!

Jiang Lei looked at their laced fingers and saw red, he was consumed by a mixture of anger, hurt and a strange twist of jealousy. Chen Mumu's unexpected move had caught him off guard, and he struggled to find the right words to respond.

What made it worse was the fact that Xu Jingli was actually his boss!

What was the meaning of this?

Chen Xu, standing beside Jiang Lei, was equally taken aback by the sudden twist. Her eyes flickered between her sister and the mysterious man, trying to make sense of the situation. The guests, still reeling from the earlier revelations, now found themselves immersed in a new layer of drama.

Chen Mumu, enjoying the discomfort she had caused, decided to add fuel to the fire. "Jiang Lei, meet my boyfriend and, this is my ex-fiancé, Jiang Lei. We were once engaged, you know, but things change."

The man, Xu Jingli, stared at the hands around his own for a good moment in both surprise and amusement. Chen Mumu's hands were shaking slightly but the grip was still very tight.

He had not expected something like this would happen when he showed up here. His manager had told him about a wedding one of his employees was having and after some deliberation, he decided to attend but he did not know things would end up like this!

He was suddenly interested and he would play this game until the very end!

Xu Jingli, playing along with the charade, nodded casually. "Nice to meet you, Jiang Lei. Mumu and I are looking forward to enjoying the rest of the wedding. I hope you understand."

Xu Jingli was very impeccable and choosing him over all other men in the room seemed to be working just fine. The guests started deliberating amongst themselves.

One whispered, "Her new boyfriend is more handsome than his ex!"

Another nodded and replied, "Her new boyfriend looks quite familiar, isn't he…Xu Jingli!"

The guests gasped, Xu Jingli was actually here!

He was the CEO of Xu Corporation and the most eligible bachelor in the whole country!

The revelation sent a ripple of astonishment through the guests. Whispers and murmurs spread like wildfire as the realization sank in that Chen Mumu had not just chosen any man but the highly successful and eligible CEO of Xu Corporation, Xu Jingli.

"He's the CEO of Xu Corporation? No wonder he seemed so familiar," remarked one guest, wide-eyed.

Another chimed in, "Chen Mumu really knows how to make an entrance. Choosing the most eligible bachelor in the country as her new boyfriend – talk about making a statement!"

As the news circulated, the attention shifted from the earlier drama with Jiang Lei to the unexpected connection between Chen Mumu and Xu Jingli. The guests, still processing the twists and turns of the evening, couldn't help but indulge in the newfound gossip.

Jiang Lei heard the talks and his anger rose so much that it was almost bubbling over!

 Chen Xu on the other hand seemed very skeptical but she could not shake the resentment and jealousy that had started to build up inside of her.

Chen Mumu was actually Xu Jingli's girlfriend?

How did that pass without her knowing?

Her wedding was as good as destroyed and she had become a laughing stock in her own wedding but now all the attention had also been shifted from her to Chen Mumu! There was no way she was going to let that happen!

As the reality of the situation settled in, Chen Xu felt a surge of mixed emotions. Resentment, jealousy, and humiliation intertwined within her, creating a potent cocktail of feelings. The attention that was once solely focused on her wedding had now shifted to the unexpected revelation about her sister's high-profile relationship.

Determined to reclaim control of the narrative, Chen Xu straightened herself and approached the centre of the room where the guests were still buzzing with gossip. She could sense their eyes on her, and she couldn't bear the thought of becoming the subject of their whispers and pity.

Clearing her throat, Chen Xu raised her voice, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for being here today to celebrate what was meant to be a joyous occasion. I understand that there have been some unexpected developments, but let's not allow it to overshadow the love and commitment that we are all here to..."

Before she could finish, someone hurriedly got up the podium and sent a harsh slap on her face!