I was a tree!

Chen Mumu took a deep breath, her mind racing. She was still dusty, still frazzled from her time in the closet, but none of that mattered now. This was her moment. She stepped forward, her eyes locking on Director Zhang, Li Wei, and the rest of the team. They were skeptical, sure, but she could see a glimmer of hope in their eyes. This was her chance to turn things around.

"Cai Ying is a character I've felt deeply connected to ever since I read the script. Her journey through nine lifetimes, her unwavering love and sorrow, it's a story that resonates with me profoundly. I've prepared a scene from the second lifetime, where she realizes her lover does not recognize her."

Li Wei, standing nearby, raised an eyebrow. "The second lifetime, huh? That's a tough one."

Chen Mumu smiled. "I'm ready."

She began to perform, her voice soft and trembling as she embodied Cai Ying's heartbreak and confusion. "How can you not remember me?" she cried, her eyes welling up with tears. "We promised each other... we promised eternity."

Li Wei watched, captivated. He couldn't help but be drawn into the performance. Without thinking, he stepped into the scene, taking on the role of Cai Ying's lover. "I don't know who you are," he said, his voice rough with emotion. "I'm sorry."

The whole corridor fell silent as they watched Chen Mumu in awe. Chen Mumu's tears flowed freely, her pain palpable. Li Wei's confusion and regret were equally convincing. The chemistry between them was undeniable.

Director Zhang and the others were mesmerized. They had seen countless auditions, but this... this was something special. The raw emotion, the authenticity, it was everything they had been looking for in Cai Ying and her lover.

As the scene reached its climax, Chen Mumu fell to her knees, sobbing. "Please, remember me," she whispered. "I can't do this without you."

Li Wei knelt beside her, his own eyes filled with tears. "I'm trying," he said, his voice breaking. "I swear, I'm trying."

The whole place was silent for a moment, then erupted in applause. Director Zhang was the first to speak. "That was incredible," he said, his voice filled with awe. "Chen Mumu, Li Wei, you two have just shown us something truly special."

Chen Mumu wiped her tears, her face lighting up with a smile. "Thank you," she said, her voice shaky. "Thank you so much."

Li Wei helped her to her feet, grinning. "You were amazing," he said. "I've never seen anything like that."

Chen Mumu wiped her tears, her face lighting up with a smile. "Thank you," she said, her voice shaky. "Thank you so much."

Li Wei helped her to her feet, grinning. "You were amazing," he said. "I've never seen anything like that."

Chen Mumu blushed, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Thank you, Li Wei. You were incredible too."

The rest of the team gathered around, offering their congratulations and praise. Producer Wang, who had been skeptical at first, was now beaming. "I have to admit, I had my doubts," she said. "But you've completely blown us away."

Screenwriter Liu nodded. "You've captured the essence of Cai Ying perfectly. I can't wait to see more."

Chen Mumu felt a surge of pride. She had done it. She had proven herself. And now, she was one step closer to making her dream a reality.

Director Zhang clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone, let's have a short meeting by the side. We need to discuss a few things, but Chen Mumu, I think it's safe to say you've made quite an impression."

As the team dispersed, Chen Mumu turned to Li Wei. "Thank you for jumping in like that," she said. "You really helped me bring the scene to life."

Li Wei smiled. "It was my pleasure. You have a real gift, Chen Mumu. I'm looking forward to working with you."

Chen Mumu felt her heart flutter. This was the beginning of something amazing. She could feel it.

Li Wei left her to join the rest who were discussing by the side. Chen Mumu did not hear whatever it was they were saying but judging from how they looked, it was safe to say that she had gotten a chance!

She really did not care that she would lose the role but now that she had gotten a chance like everyone else, she felt deeply satisfied!

Li Wei, who was still in the meeting, suddenly looked up to stare at Chen Mumu. She was playing with a rock by the side completely oblivious to what was going on.

In truth, he really liked how Chen Mumu was acting but she lacked experience. She seemed like she had never acted in a big film before.

A film like this required someone who could also make the film popular. Choosing Ting Yu or Chen Xu was the safest choice if they wanted the film to get the attraction it deserved. Although Chen Mumu's acting was top-tier, Chen Xu and Ting Yu had also done very well!

Director Zhang left the group and walked over to Chen Mumu who was still playing with the stone. She looked like a child!

He called out, 'Mumu, have you ever acted in a big production before?"

Chen Mumu shook her head, "Yes!"

Director Zhang was surprised. Chen Mumu's acting was excellent but he had never seen her acting in any film! He wondered just which film it was that Chen Mumu had acted in but he still could not come up with an answer.

Chen Mumu saved him the trouble, "In STRONGER THAN THE WIND, I acted as a tree! I was the famous tree that the male lead and female lead met the first time!"

Director Zhang's jaw was almost on the floor, "You acted as…a tree?"

Stronger Than The Wind was truly one of the biggest productions. It was a very classic film that had gained immense popularity. The director, renowned for his rigorous casting and high standards, had produced a masterpiece. However, Chen Mumu's revelation left him bewildered.

"You mean the tree where the leads had their first kiss?" Director Zhang asked, still trying to process the information.

"Yes! That was me!" Chen Mumu beamed with pride. "I stood perfectly still for hours. Everyone said I was the best tree they had ever seen!"