You Know Where to Find Me

Saying that Keagan and the old woman were dumbfounded was an understatement. They soon dragged their gazes to meet each other's eyes, only for the old woman to laugh. She then covered her mouth and asked as if regaining her politeness.

"Madam, you want to buy all my stock for today? That would cost you five grand. It's not worth showing off." She then picked a piece of her bestseller and wrapped it for Wren. "Here, here. This is what they liked the most. Why not just get a dozen? It comes with different fillings."

"I'd write you up a check if it counts, but that's not a good business deal." Wren took the bread and took a small bite, wary of spilling the filling all over her face. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but she could picture people eating it five days a week. 

The free taste made her sigh and reach into her bag for her wallet. Seeing that her paper bills couldn't equate to five grand, she glanced at the counter and saw the machine. It was good that this old shop was keeping up with the times. Then out came her card.

Wren didn't smile a lot, so even if she would, it was too faint to be visible. "Here, charge everything to this card. I'll call someone over to collect them. Don't worry, I can wait."

The old woman was still dubious, but she received the card nonetheless. If it bounced, she'd just charge the one she gave the madam. After all, the madam was only delusional; she was still polite. The old woman's smile stayed professional as if finding the patience to forgive the show-off, but she found a black card placed in her hand. The name on it was even something everyone in the city should know.

Wren Chastain…

The old woman looked up and stared at the madam with big eyes. Was she THE Wren Chastain?

"I… I will process your payment immediately, madam!" The old woman panicked in disbelief and shock, even yelling out a very technical way to say what she was doing. However, she breathed out and rang up the items with utmost care.

Keagan was still shocked at the madam's stunt. She could only believe what was before her. Wren did buy all the stock to be sold today. The simple girl might be embarrassed, but she was excited to see the order go through. She just smiled and ran her hand through her hair in shyness. "…you didn't have to… I keep owing things to you, Madam."

Wren turned to her after sending a quick message to someone. "No need. I won't be able to speak to you if I leave you to do your work here. I want to talk about that."

At her words, Keagan froze and just nodded vigorously the next second. After all, Elijah's life was on the line. Whether he kicked Keagan out or not, she would still want to apologize and do what she could to appease the madam.

"Uhm, Madam Chastain, what are you going to do with the bread?" After finishing the transaction, the old woman sought the eyes of the powerful madam.

"I'll get my people to distribute them to the unfortunate. If it was too much, then I'll keep some of them for the household." Wren said that, but she had her driver buy food for the household as well. Then again, who knew if the household could make better with more food during their collective breaks? No matter. Wren would just give it all to them.

Whatever Wren was going to do with those, the old madam would be happy as long as the bread would not be thrown out in the trash. When a few people arrived in a silver and green van, Wren spoke to their leader for a bit before coming to fetch Keagan.

Instead of twenty bucks for her hard work, she received a hundred bucks. It was enough for Keagan to bow down and say goodbye to the old woman. She walked with Wren out of the bakery, her mind thinking of ways to make the money last… or just to rebuild a life with her one hundred bucks.

"You look especially happy with what you received. Are you in debt?" Wren asked while they were walking toward the parking lot where Otto was waiting for them.

"Not really." That was all Keagan said. She then faced Wren. "Thank you for your help, Madam Chastain. About last night, you don't have to worry about me. I'll keep my mouth shut. I can't remember what exactly happened, but I know that you saved me. Thank you for putting me up for the night, too. If I rake up more money, I will pay you back for that five grand!"

Wren frowned at the woman, but she didn't want to speak about it openly. What happened last night was indeed the first of many, but this Keagan Allard didn't even want to have anything to do with her. Wren could only take things slowly.

The madam gave up. "All right, but don't hesitate to see me if you need anything. You know where the Pineberry Estate is. You can also find me in Golden Bloom."

At those words, Keagan flinched a little. She then fiddled with her thumbs. "Uhm, actually, there is one thing, Madam Chastain. What happened to me at the party would surely push Elijah into becoming a laughingstock. Please don't blame him for the humiliation I gave you. He has a lot of ambition, and working for you is a sure gateway for him to attain them. Please don't fire him."

"…if he's not involved with his friends' antics, I will not touch him." Wren folded her arms under her bust, turning up the frosty visage. However, the glare in her eyes was never meant for Keagan. "Last night, at the party, my doctor examined you, am I wrong? You seem to have an allergic reaction to the rape drug mixed in your drink. They gave you that drink, didn't they?"

"To the what?" Keagan gasped and remembered how those guys were giggling so much when they offered her that drink. They even pressure her to drink it in front of them. Given at what kind of person Elijah was, she couldn't make his friends talk badly.

To think that they gave her a glass of drugged champagne…

Keagan held onto her mouth. She then looked up at Wren. "What does that mean? They were… but we were at a party in your family estate… Eh, that wasn't the house from earlier…"

"Yes, that was my family estate. The Pineberry Estate belongs to me and Gephardt." Wren sighed and moved her head to the side. "They might not mean to take advantage of you, but drugs like those could make you see things. If you got caught having sex with a random guy, Elijah's reputation and your own relationship would surely be ruined. 

"Either way, those are crimes I will not ignore."