All You Do Is Lie

When he returned to their office, he just gazed in the direction of the males. The employees' heads were poking out of their cubicles, so it was easy to meet their eyes. Then, he turned to Keagan, who was sorting a few reports in the vacant desk. 

He walked heavily toward her, the people noticing his strange gait. Their boss only walked like this when he was frustrated and could not release it on something… or someone.

"Keagan, in my office. Now." 

That was what he said before walking away again. Keagan placed the reports down and followed him to his office. Since the walls were thick, no one bothered to listen in. The others only watched as if expecting a show.

Inside the office, Elijah settled on his desk as if his entire body weighed ten times heavier. He then eyed Keagan, who worriedly looked at him. After all, he already looked so beaten up before lunch even arrived. It was just that… wasn't all of this her fault?

"Keagan, what… the hell… did you tell her?" Elijah had to control his voice in case people would hear sensitive matters. "You told her someone put Rohypnol in your drink so you ended up puking at her dress? How could you even drag the entire office down with you?"

"…I wasn't…"

"Keagan! Do you know what I avoided just now? She was looking to get the whole office suspended for a month!" Elijah couldn't help but grab a random folder and slap it against the table. The unopened frappes even tumbled at the hit. "You and your lying mouth! Who gave you the right to ruin the lives of the people around you? 

"She wants me to give her names to lay off! Do you even know what that means?" Elijah moved his hand again, and the folder made a loud smacking sound against the table. Keagan flinched at the noise, more when the frappes rolled off the table and had their containers break upon impact on the floor. "Do you secretly hate me so you made me do something like this?"

Tears brimmed along Keagan's eyes, but the man cared too little about her cries. He threw the folder toward her, making her scream for a second. "Did I not take you in when you ruined your own life? Did I not feed you? Clothed you? I even gave you a third chance, but what did I get in return?"

Keagan wanted to speak, but her cries wouldn't stop at the kind of face Elijah was making. He punched the table this time. "Why can't you just stay still and quiet for a moment? Do you think the world will vanish if you just stop making things about you?"

"I didn't say anything to her! She was the one who said those things to me!" Keagan cried out, her hands covering her mouth poorly. She didn't want to scream, but her voice wasn't going through this man.

"Why would she even care about you? Enough for her to suspend an entire office?" Elijah growled, trying not to jump over the table and deal with Keagan himself. "You know what? Shut up. If you want to say something, it better be about how deceived her. I knew nothing good happened when I saw you two talking in the streets yesterday!"

"Why don't you listen to me?" Keagan shrieked. "Elijah, why don't you believe me? I never knew anything about it before she told me yesterday!"

Elijah scoffed. "Why would I believe things just because you said so?"

Keagan almost screamed, "I never lied to you!"

"All you do is lie!" Elijah punched the table again. "You lied when you said you didn't like that producer! That you never spent a night in his unit! Or that you never asked to be considered for his list in exchange for sleeping with him! Right now, you're asking me to believe you again?"

"…I never lied to you…" Keagan whispered as her tears fell. On the day that she felt the safest with Elijah, he was the one who wanted to hurt her the most. Getting taken back shouldn't have made her feel a little at ease. She never had the time to move away from him.

She needed a decisive cut, and she didn't realize it would be served to her like this. Elijah was indeed nothing more than a man who kept her because she was supposed to be his. He only kept her because it was embarrassing for him to lose a woman. Her fists curled into balls before she used them to wipe her eyes dry. However, her tears just continued to roll down her face.

Keagan took in a deep breath. "I never lied to you. I never slept with anyone else but you. Your friends wanted to violate me all the way to my soul, and you chose to fight for them. All right. I'm leaving."

"What leaving? Where do you think you're going?" Elijah barked, but Keagan just walked out of the office. He would chase her, but he didn't know what to do if they fought in front of everyone else. In the end, he just punched the table again.

"What happened? I heard screaming…" the secretary asked, but she just watched Keagan walk past her. When Keagan vanished from her sight, she just got up to check what happened inside the office.

Tear streaks were obvious on Keagan's face as her makeup was erased on some parts. Instead of sitting on the desk, she just took her bag and left the document sorting unfinished. The person who asked her to do it would say something, but the supposed hot girlfriend didn't even bother staying still for a second.

When Fiona noticed this, she quickly raced Keagan to the door and held it closed. Keagan stopped walking, but her hand still reached for the handle to open the panel. Fiona laughed as Keagan's pull failed to make a crack. "Hey, bitch. Where do you think you're going? Your work isn't done yet."

"Move," Keagan whispered as she pulled the door with more force this time. Fiona even had to use another arm to keep the door from opening. At this, Keagan added, "I'm not going to ask again."

"Who do you think you are, giving me orders?" Fiona would yell, but Keagan quickly shoved her to the side. Bang! Fiona screamed as she failed to keep her balance with those five-inch heels.

Keagan didn't care about her anymore as she opened the door and left the office. A lot of people wanted to come over and help, but they were stunned by Keagan's action. They never thought such a dumb and defenseless woman like her could shove a person without mercy.

Because of the screams, the secretary and Elijah decided to check up on what happened. They just wished they didn't after seeing the mess Fiona had become.