Two Can Play that Game

"Ah, she's here…!" The same employee kept her eyes away from Wren, so she saw how someone entered their office again. It was even someone they were talking about.

"Huh? What's going on? Why are you guys staring at me like that?" A confused voice came from the door, but the owner soon saw Wren standing somewhere in their rows of cubicles. She then stared at the CEO, who glared at her instead.

At this woman's appearance, Wren shot her eyes to the door. Strangely enough, she saw how a dead woman was on her best appearance. The pretty face—which was nothing better than Keagan's or Wren's beauty—remained as if no fire had destroyed it. 

However, the mere fact that Wren remembered how this body was supposed to be dead and burned made her glare deeper. It even grew deeper when Wren found a subtle hint of what the woman was now.

Fiona—or who Wren believed was just someone taking on her identity—stared back with a wriggling smile. It was as if she didn't have an idea about what she did wrong for the CEO to glare down at her. "D-Do you need something from me, Madam?"

"I want to ask you a few questions. Do you mind speaking to me?" Wren didn't bring down the phone and instead almost shoved it at the newcomer's face. "How true is this?"

"Oh…!" Fiona caught the woman's wrist, but Wren dropped the phone as if disgusted by her touch. The employee caught the phone in a clap before she lifted her face to meet Wren's angry expression. "W-What is it to you, Madam? I mean… Elijah broke up with his trash girlfriend, so he needed a new woman who could make him happy! What's so wrong about having him for me now?"

Wren's aura suddenly surged like a freezing draft on a snowstorm. Her eyes glinted red, but she didn't do anything anymore. She only huffed and crossed her arms under her full bosom. "I see. So that's how it is. Now that he's not seeing that girl, he's free to be taken by others. All right. Two can play that game."

Instead of a shocked expression, Fiona only curled her lips in a ridiculing smile. Since Wren was standing in front of her, no one else saw it but the CEO. She would even say something more, but they all heard how a phone rang to break the tension.

Wren reached into her inside pocket and glanced at her phone. Since it was one of her secretaries calling, Wren only answered it, "I'll call you back.

"Unlike you, I have more things to do." Wren kept her phone and walked out of the office. She didn't even care if she had to swing the door forcefully just to leave.

"…what's up with her meddling with her employees' businesses…?" Fiona murmured as she pulled on the bag strap on her shoulder. She then turned to the people looking at her. "What? Isn't it strange for her to get in my way like that? Just when Elijah dumped that walking tin can trophy…"

"Haven't you heard about the rumors, Fiona?" The same person, whose phone was taken, slapped Fiona's shoulder. "Madam Chastain seems to be interested in Boss!"

Fiona gasped. "No way! He's mine! I'm not going to step back just because some boob monster wants him! I finally got him to bed me. That won't be the last!"

In her office, Wren just finished speaking to one of the other CEOs under the Carousel Group. She leaned on her seat and placed her hands together to think. At the flashing images of her memory, Wren tried to figure out what happened. That woman shouldn't be alive. Moreover, why did she behave like Elijah was still alive? Did he escape with her? Who was that thing she saw the Horse eating, though?

Wren leaned on her table and bit on her finger. She recalled the scene from yesterday vividly. When she looked at the people in that office, there was only one questionable person. It was not that woman.

"Could it be that… something happened in that room after I left?" Wren held onto her forehead and massaged it. "I should have taken that body out with me. I got so caught up with Keagan that I forgot about what Gephardt said. 

"The Fox must be sniffing around." The madam stared off a distance and imagined the visage of an old man, who couldn't get enough of his experiments that pushed the limits of immortality. "Then again, it's too fast… and too perfect. Can his heretical science accomplish that much already? It also didn't smell like a human. Can his creations change forms now?"

"Wren? Madam President?" A voice came after a few knocks on her door. It was from an old man, who Wren knew clearly. She straightened her back and assumed a respectable posture. After she gave him permission to come in, he offered a smile to her. "Wren, I came to see you."

A small smile curled her lips as the man moved to sit on the single couch from where he could see Wren sitting behind her desk. However, Wren got up and moved to sit close to him in her waiting lounge at the side of her inner office. He waited for her to sit down before pulling off his hat as if showing respect.

He said, "Milady, I found myself in the neighboring city, so I thought of visiting you. Contemporary times move on quite faster than the last few eras. How have you been holding up?"

"I'm faring well thanks to your efforts. The entire Carousel Group is flourishing, but I have yet to find someone to handle the Golden Bloom. Until then, I have to keep it afloat by myself." Wren sighed as she tilted her head to the side. "Hansel, I might have to bother you with a few things now that you're here."

"It's my pleasure to be of service to my lady." He pressed the hat on his chest before reaching into his pocket and putting on his glasses. Wren just got to her desk and began speaking to the old man, who began jotting down on his little notebook with his slow hand.

In the back of Wren's mind, she kept on gazing at this hardworking old man. He looked so old as if he was a wilting plant. His skin had grown darker from age, and spots appeared on them already. It was also loose at most places, but he knew how to dress properly to make them less depressing to the eyes. Moreover, this man didn't have a bent back or a slouched posture.

Everyone could see the remnants of his prime by the way he was right now. Instead of a breaking old man, Wren had always regarded this man as the most formidable CEO Golden Bloom had ever had. He was Hansel Chastain!