I Won't Hurt You

The melodic songs of the woodland birds conquered the sounds of nature. A maiden in a reddish dress danced and spun as if mesmerizing all the animals watching her. Her long blonde hair was like a sliver of the sun that glowed more under it. A sheer pink shawl rested low on her shoulders, swinging along with her hands and skirt.

Despite all the embellishments on her body, the maiden was dancing barefoot. Her dainty feet appeared dirty from the soil and dirt, which she treated as her stage. However, her radiant alabaster skin continued to resemble the perfect marble statues she had in her home.

Soon enough, the animals flinched and fled the scene. The dancing maiden ended her spin prematurely, just so she would face the direction of the darkest shadow behind the trees. She then smiled and did a curtsy. "Greetings, Orpheus. Your kind seemed to have failed to find me in a few hours."