Let's Have Some Fun

"…I… I don't think I have a hobby aside from petting my cat…" Wren chuckled as she kept the three points in mind. She was a vampire granting protection to the Chastain family; they were the ones sustaining her lifestyle and expenses. The Wren was the assassin among the Orpheus; her passion should be judgment and blood. Releasing her stress? She just petted the black cat Lev got for her.

"Eh, that won't do! We should go out a lot on weekends to see if something will take your fancy." Keagan hummed as she thought of places. "Living for so long without a hobby, huh? What do you normally do? We need to narrow the options down…"

Wren only chuckled and figured she got most fur off Keagan now. She then stopped caressing the other woman in the sunken bath. "Let's soak for a little longer. We might be able to think of something to do for the coming weekend."