You and I Are Different

Haunting laughter came from the head, but Wren remained unnerved by it. However, the blood continued to pool underneath the laughing woman. Then, in a voice that didn't belong to Fiona, she spoke, "Lev's back again? I thought he was hunting those two goons. Did they run back here?" 

"We're not certain, but Lev lost track of them. Moreover, he uncovered their plan to snatch the princess from the city. It didn't matter who was watching over her." Wren sighed heavily as she closed her eyes. "Lev didn't say if he found out how they were going to keep her safe, but Crevan figured they'd force her blood. Transfusions might break the ritual's continuation. We have to keep her safe."

"How unfortunate. I actually don't care about the princess anymore. She just keeps on reincarnating into a human, anyway." The head rolled her eyes before staring at Wren some more. With a hard gaze, she made Wren look at her again.