Meeting Dangerous People

"Missy, human girls keep something on them that absorbs blood. Do you have one of those? They work with bullet holes, too." Ouroboros laughed, expecting how Keagan gasped. "It's all right if you don't own one. Maybe the maids know what else to do."

The audacity of this homeless man to ask for a tampon. He wasn't even trying to mask what he was asking for, even if he wasn't saying its name. Keagan wondered if Ouroboros even knew what it was called for real. After all, those girls probably wouldn't tell him the real purpose of that thing.

Keagan just pouted her lips as she patted her person and found a handkerchief on her. She then used it to somewhat plug the hole. "It's not used for things like that, Mr. Ouroboros, but I have one in my room. Erm, I'd have to ask Lazuli to fetch it. For now, let's try this…"