
That's right. Wren was able to look for someone Keagan didn't know was still alive. Then again, she was quickly hit with reality. The same people who looked must be the same people Lev had been asking for help from for a long time.

What a pity. Keagan felt like she needed to think of something else to do to help Lev.

She latched her lips on the tip of her straw when she saw how Lev pulled the macaron plate and picked up the first one. Keagan then reached out a hand to stop Lev from eating it. Garnering courage and holding back her sobbing from embarrassment, she said, "…c-can I have that? I… I eat Wren…"

"…oh, hahaha, sure!" Lev laughed before putting the macaron down and pushing the plate toward Keagan. "You can have all of them, Keagan. They're your guards."

"Erm, but I want you to have this one." Keagan picked up the last macaron that represented Nathan. "Would you like to have him?"