When I Die, Will I See You?

Leon was just left with Keagan's tote bag on the ground, as well as his cracked phone. He ran to claim it before someone would, soon chasing the motorcycles in the direction they took. He would scream, but he quickly lost them in the city streets.

"…no, no, no…" Leon wore the tote bag and fumbled with his phone. The screen was so cracked as if it was also kicked. His fingers couldn't even press anything on the screen. "Shit, shit, shit…! Wait, I need to go to the police!"

The manager dropped the phone inside the tote bag and ran back to find a police station in the area. However, another motorcycle came from behind him. The rider propped a tranquilizer gun out and shot Leon in the back. The motorcycle stopped in front of him, and the unconscious Leon fell right into the hands of the rider. He quickly secured Leon sitting on the back before driving off.

Even if surveillance cameras had seen the kidnapping, no one noticed when it was happening.