Are You Ready to Go Home?

With a nod from Petyr, Keagan took a deep breath. She didn't want to ask who it was. If it was Wren, the madam wouldn't let them keep her like this. It could be someone else outside the Pineberry Estate. She just brought her lips up for a quick smile. "Thanks for answering."

The door opened again, and a handsome man in a thick yet frayed robe walked in. His white eyes didn't meet anyone's gaze in the room, but he smiled at the scent coming from Keagan. "Hey, Missy, were you scared when you were here alone?"

"Ouroboros!" Keagan gasped and moved to get up and hug him. However, she didn't think the drug was still enough to make her trip. Her body fell forward, but Ouroboros caught her with ease. He even carried her in his arms to put her back on the bed. However, she just clung to him as if she was not willing to be left alone with these people.