What Do You Have for Me?

"I lost Missy…" Ouroboros sensed the whole perimeter for the heart signatures of all three humans in the place. However, he could only map Leon's faint beating heart in the distance. There was nothing that led to Keagan. He turned in the direction from where the wind was blowing, seemingly bringing Leon's blood scent back into the lobby. "Just her…"

"What happened?" Wren swiped her claws to the side and recalled her vampire features. She walked toward the gigantic hole in the wall, soon seeing how Elijah was carrying the wounded man back to their headquarters. "Someone else's scent is in the air, but I don't think it's one of us."

Silvano rose from his crouch, letting his medics work on the wounded. "You didn't smell me as one of you guys either. Are you certain my ancestor is the only one who died among the Orpheus?"