One of Them

However, Wren just waved her hand to stop him. He just walked to the driver's seat after everyone settled inside the spacious van.

"He must be getting Lev a gift or something." Keagan giggled at the confused look on Wren's face. "You know Nathan had been helping Rhine in managing the garden and making flowers bloom. He probably wants to do something to earn Lev's praise again."

Wren hummed before chuckling. "At least he stops crying at my feet every time he felt dissatisfied with Lev. Maybe he's learning to act more like a human. My little kitten is growing up."

They quietly boarded the car and rode it until they reached the Pineberry Estate. By the gates, Rhine was waiting there with Mariella. The other woman was not a maid, but she looked anxious enough to wait by the gates. Wren didn't like the look of things, so she got out the moment Otto pulled over by the gates. She didn't ask everyone else to alight with her, however.