I Only Look Beautiful

Petyr sighed and turned away, his voice soft yet audible to Elijah. "I didn't realize you can be this cruel even to someone who didn't do anything bad to you. That woman was just here because we recovered her from the Fox's lair. You should just kill her and throw her away. She's still a human, after all. Aren't you scared someone would find you unworthy of life just because you're cruel?"

"You don't know that woman… I do." Elijah walked past the knight. "Also, it's not your business… what we do to the people we keep in our own rooms. It's not like I call you to clean up her messes."

"I heard the princess's reincarnation came to you for love. You can't be that loathsome. I figured you were just angry at the world… not a real monster." Petyr spun to head in the same direction as Elijah was going. "Elijah, let me kill her and throw her away."