Standing in Her Way

Lev made a bitter chuckle as he continued. "They will release more infected into the human cities, and if the Orpheus stands against them, we will be declared the enemy."

"…you can't… possibly agree to that…" Keagan whispered before turning to Wren, who was now deep in thought. "You can't let them. If the Orpheus stands down… the Knights of Allard will stop fighting, too, right? What about the people? Are we… going to let them die?"

"This must be known to Garios and Dacian way before we met them again." Wren clawed at the armrest. Her nails even grew so sharp that they dug through the fabric. "No wonder they feel confident carrying out their deeds against the princess. It's a decree from the Council. Then again, what are we going to do about this? Lev… you're not planning on letting them continue, right?"