Am I Bad Person?

"It's fine." The lady, however, stopped walking and spun to face the unknown starlet. Instead of a glare, the lady wore a smile that drew the world to her beauty. "I'm all good. You should give people a chance to recover from their illnesses, no? Moreover, my projects cannot wait for me any longer."

The gossiper gulped down her voice and reluctantly agreed with a nod. At this, the lady twirled again before continuing her walk toward the receptionist's desk. Her tall heels clicked resoundingly, charming those who were not strong against their desires. If someone would call the lady otherworldly, who would be there to deny it?

Keagan got up from her seat with an excited smile. She could barely remember Justine's aura from before, yet it was more enticing now. After all, the woman was now a thrall under the guidance of one of Wren's servants—a vampire serving the Orpheus. Seeing the plain-looking driver tailing the star around, Keagan couldn't help but smile deeper.