My Allegiance is Yours

From the yacht, Keagan only watched them quietly. She was now facing the members of the Kosarin, the same family Alethia warned her against getting close to. They were supposedly lying and manipulating Dacian and Garios, but Keagan knew that they had one more Orpheus with them. Did this Vera, the Salmon, plan with them from the beginning?

"Missy, the man in the middle is Grand Prince Artyom," Nathan whispered to her as he started introducing the members to Keagan as they got closer. "Even if they would all regard you with reverence or respect, know that only Lev and Polina are the ones who might end up disappointing you the least."

"At this point, everyone has pretty much disappointed me." Keagan glanced at Aoibhe and Garett, who were just standing around at the side. "Keep an eye on them, too."