I Expect a Wedding

"What did you say?" Keagan flinched. She even moved a hand to push Artyom's hand off her face. "What do you mean 'consummate a marriage' with you? You can't possibly mean what I think you do, right? Why would I marry you?"

Artyom only pulled on a corner of his lips, taking in the defiant and confused look on Keagan's face. "The queen of the night has the power to dictate the future of the vampires. However, your lack of vampiric essence is enough disqualification for you to become our reigning monarch. Moreover, you need vampiric essence to make use of the night in its full potential."

He extended his hand when Keagan stepped back from him. "Keagan Allard, if you consummate a marriage with me, I can take responsibility for the vampire race in your stead. You need not to decide on something a human shouldn't."