The war was over... everything was to be back to normal but it was at a great coat..the king's death was not a small deal and Alexander has to deliver the news of his death personally to the queen and the princess

"They have the right to know that he fought bravely for the freedom of this kingdom" Alex told himself has he mustered enough courage

For an army general like him he felt so week as he anticipates their sudden reaction... and the one that worries him the most is Isabella...the beautiful daughter of the late king, very cool and sentimental....

He drove far across the bushes and finally reached his destination...the all in all palace in radiant glory.

The king fought for it with his life and he vows to do the same too...

"General!" the guards at the gate bowed to him...such an honor the king left for him and it saddens him as well knowing that he won't see him again.

"How is the situation at the battle field...." the queen in her ever graced figure rushed to him with anxiety in her eyes

"We won...but at a great cost" he sliced his words bit by bit to avoid hitting the queen in one blow it could render her helpless and if it did...how is Isabella going to feel?

"Of course it is... don't worry when the king gets back we'll reward the family of the fallen warriors" she was indeed the most supportive queen ever.. and it was sad breaking this news to her.

"The king has also fallen...we did all we can to save him..but it was too late" he release it in one word to avoid stalling her thought

Immediately the smile on her face disappeared and a tear landed on the floor...she almost collapse but he was swift to catch her

"Your highness please put yourself together for the sake of the kingdom and the princess" he advised her with a sad voice...

She got up on her feet and felt sad looking like a lost lamb..

"Don't tell Isabella yet... I'll tell her myself" she wimped.. and he had to listen to her..all of them had to.

He only watched her walk in tiny steps to her room

" Do protect her from herself" he ordered the guards... if there is one thing that he learned form fighting series of war is that the wives of the fallen can't take it and they ended up commiting suicide...

He wandered of to get some air...he is a man and the only one left for these two people his brother left behind... crying would make him look weak...

And if he cries... what should Isabella do? The thought of her whinnying and crying flashed to his mind and he clenched his fists tightly...

' Only if I can kill that loser again and again ' he thought... feeling so helpless and useless of his inability to save his brother who loved him so much from the hands of death.

He tried as much as possible but what could he do..?


"He is dead....!" I still find it hard to believe..he promised to stay a life time with me and never abandon me....guess that's what he deserves for not listening to me...

"Bring me Isabella..." She has to know even though she will be heart broken...no matter what she'll move on from this phase.

Few minutes later she came in with a complexed look on her face... did anyone tell her despite a simple order...?

"What's wrong mother...you look pale? Are you feeling unwell?" Such a considerate and naive soul

"No... it's about your father!" she jerked up to pay full attention and this is where the bombshell comes in...

"He died in the war... and he is never coming back...!" She hit her like a canal ball...no direct feeling only words...

"Mother please don't pull a fast one on me on this...he is coming back. He promised" she shook her head unable to believe it..

" If you don't believe me...go ask your uncle..." She rushed outside to find her uncle...

' How can he die...? He promised to be safe... and she prayed every morning for his safety... what..?' She thought with a confused mind

" Where is the general...?" she asked loudly...they felt pity for her because she already knew...

" Answer me or you can as well go to hell...." her rage and confusion was justified... her boiling eyes of fury make them spill the bean

Alex was in the palace pass way.. looking at the last thing his brother ask him to get for Isabella... clearly he loved his daughter so much and this is going to be a long phase for her...

"Uncle....!" she called out loud and he turned his back... looking at the despair on her face was like blade cutting his heart...

"Isabella...calm down..."

" Tell me she's lying...!" the truth is indeed bitter and painful...but she has to take it

" Am sorry....! He is indeed gone!"

She cried on a spot...he tried to comfort her but she ran off...she needs space to shed her frustration. it's hurt him more knowing that Isabella is unhappy and heart broken.

The night came very fast... and no one was in the mood to eat or shower...two lives were hanging on the balance...if he is not careful he'll lose one of them.

He walked to the queen's chambers to see how she's fairing..

The doors was unlock and he walked in hoping not to see the things he had earlier imagined...,a rope on the ceiling around a woman's neck

He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts...but to his amazement he found her by her dressing table combing her hair looking all radiant.. she is hallucinating? She just lost her husband so why dress around like this?

" You are here already...how is Isabella...?"

" You could have at least told her in a calming way...if anything happens to her it's won't be nice" he was angry of the way she broke the news...if it was him...he would have told her very gently

"Don't give that angry look.. I was frustrated as well...we are both meant to feel the pain...sit... let's drink tea"