Last night was indeed something that won't leave Isabella's mind in any way...she loved everything... every inch of his touch was still fresh in her mind..

She didn't believe it was bad...she believes it was good but in a bad way... if her uncle wasn't her uncle... she'll make sure to keep him for herself.

She got up that morning looking at the setting of the sun... usually her father always drop a bunch of flowers at her window every morning but this time it's all empty...

She felt sad... but like what he always say whenever she lost her golden pet fish...

" All must return to dust...some must be lost to gain something bigger"

She had lost her uncle the bigger picture...? What a joke!

She gave herself a light warming bath without any a bath of roses and other body fragrance...still imagining last night episode...

' I hope I get the chance to feel this good again... whether with him or someone else.'

She still felt so fresh after the erotic time in the bath tub... thinking of his well built body make her blush..not to mention his long, hard prefect.

She went down to the dinning hall for breakfast... only few dishes were served.. everyone is still mourning her father's was then she realizes how important and impeccable her father's presence is in the palace..

Sitted in front of her is her very own uncle...he didn't sit where her father used to sit but next to his seat... Both of them maintained their silence while eating.. even their plates dare not to make any unnecessary sounds under a completely tensed gaze...

"General...the court wishes to see you!" the guard announces.. completely unaware of the coldness in the air.

"Okay... I'll be there shortly!" He sends the guard off wanting to say something to his beloved niece

"Good morning princess... I hope you are feeling better?" He had to strike a formality with her if she refused to give response to his sarcastic statement he would go right to her and give her a kiss...

"Good morning General Alexander... thanks for comforting us and of course I slept but not well enough..." She didn't look at him neither did she stop eating..

"That's good... I'll leave you be. My humble regards to your mother" he added hoping to see her react a bit in his favor

"I'll deliver..!" She sounds like she's discussing with a stranger and not the man she almost slept with last night.

He left immediately without looking back...he thought within himself that it's better if they continue their formality like this.. His brother won't forgive him if he gets through with this sacrilege.


'I waited all morning looking my best but he hasn't shown up... I guess he is angry with me.' the queen though within herself...she has had eyes for Alex for a long time but the king's presence didn't let her go through with her plans

"Your highness...the General is at the court. Am sure he'll come by" her closet maid assured her. She was well aware of her mistress's eyes on the general... besides who wouldn't?

"Mother... can I come in?"

"Come in darling..." She urged lovingly...

"Good morning mother... you look fine than I surmise?" She stare at her mother who had lip gloss on her lips and dressed gorgeously

"Yes...dear! Am going to see your father tomb today and prepare the necessary things for his funeral. I thought I should dress well in seeing him off" She begin to gather tears in her eyes... Isabella felt sorry for her mother who is already a widow..

"I'll come with you...!"

" No sure you'll break down and he won't forgive me for that. You do know that you are his precious treasure...the apple of his eyes" she patted her hair..

"We are both his precious treasure.." Isabella corrected..... cuddling to her mother like a two year old

"What is this on your neck...?" Her well covered mark showed a bit and she jerked off

"I was outside after hearing the news.. I got bitten by insect.. "

"I told you to be careful..did you apply onintment..? Let me see!" She tried to see it while the maid ran to get some onintment

" fine. I did apply onintment. Uncle Alex gave one to me last night" she lied without showing any inch of insincerity

"Oh...he did? Well that's good. You have always been so secretive about wounds and insect bite. Only your father can talk you into to letting me see it" they both giggled but felt a moment of silent in sadness

"Your father won't want us to linger this much...when everything is okay I'll find you a suitor who is worthy of you to take care of you" she suggested with a wide smile on her face

"Mother...are you chasing me away..?" Isabella pouted like a child.

"No way! You are my precious darling... your future husband would stay here and assist Alexander in taking care of the palace. Then when you have a child... your baby would be made king" such a wild preparation... Isabella though she doesn't need marriage any time soon but now she's wrong

"Okay.. mother. I'll leave you to rest."

She left her mother's chambers to walk around admiring the scenery to pre- occupy her mind from her father's death and her little night with her uncle..

She sighted him from afar and decided to talk to him about court affairs and how she can help in any way possible..

"Uncle...!" He looked suprised...from General to Uncle... women emotions are indeed fickle

"How is your mother?" He asked slightly looking away..

"She's fine... going through tough times putting up a fake smile" Alex wanted to beg to differ.. her mother is just like a snake...

"Alright.. somewhat is there something you need?" He hope she won't bring up their little secret up.. she shouldn't rekindle their little old flame of yesterday

"My mother wants me to get married after everything is done... I was hoping I could help you in court affairs for the time being to get myself preoccupied before she finds me a suitor" His fist clenched dare her decide this without him... maybe it's for the best

"Don't worry... I'll get you something to do while at it okay?" He nod slightly looking at the confused expression on her face which change instantly

"Thank you uncle!"

She turned around to leave... and he slumped instantly...she rushed to him looking so afraid

"Uncle Alex....!!! Please don't die" she was already trumatised... seeing her hands shake at his little fall made his inner spirit want to slap him on the face.