4- pretending to be amnesia 2

 Then fang Lewis ask them if the can go out that he wishes to talk with me, after everybody left and after ensuring that no one was eavesdropping on the door he then ask " why ? " I was puzzle why did he said why ? What was he asking . He said " i mean why are you pretending to have amnesty and accept that i'm your fiancé like your father said ?" I was thinking how he saw through me and why do he look fustrated ? I said " why do you mean by pretending ? The doctor said that i'm and aren't you my fiancé ? " I ask. He said " i don't know why you are pretending but you yourself know that you rejected me as your fiancé and took that guy who isn't even present now as your fiancé". The truth was bitter i choose someone who didn't even came here while he knew where i'm i mean he didn't even care for me it makes me sad of my stupid decision back then of accepting him then Lewis said " i'm sorry i didn't mean to. ...." I cut him and ask " how did you know that i 'm faking to be amnesty ?" He said " when you first open your eyes your look was like someone confuse seeing unfamiliare face looking at her but then your expression change as if you could recorgnise them. I won't say it to anyone but your dad must already know that you are faking and as for me if you are accepting our engagement there is no turning back it will go until we will grow old together and die together i mean will be bound together i mean TOGETHER " the way he stare at me with his dark eyes makes me shiver, it send a signal to my body that i should take his words seriously and that he is a dangerous person i should not mess with him. I said " sure till death do part us" he said " death can't take one of us and leave the other he will take the two of us together understand ?" Is this guy really seriouse ? He " also i forget to tell you i hate cheaters so better breakup with that guy if not i will make sure that he can't stand on its own". I Said with a smile" i'm a woman of my words i won't dare betray you but but you can break his legs i don't mind at all " he said" i never thought that you could be cruel to your lover" he said with a sarcastic look on his face, i replied" he is not my lover " blunty. He said while leaning towards me " After your discharge we will live together " then the door open and my father came in  

He said" Lewis can you please go out and let me have a word with my daughter ?" " Of course sir" Lewis reply . Then he went out. My father said"i see that you really like to be an actress" i was goosebumps did he know that i was faking ? He said" stop making that expression. What happen to you my precious daughter ?" Are you angry of the fact that Lewis is your fiancé ? You dont want to speak to your old man ? " I could see that he was really sad and it made me sad. I said " Dad what you choose for me is better than my choice and i'm sorry for lying to you all" i knew what i did by lying to them and making them worried for me was not good but i need to pretend inother to get back my revenge. My father look at me with a smile on his face and said" it is good that you have grown my baby and you know what is good for you " while hugging me then the doctor enter the room and said that i will have to stay in the hospital for three months because my wounds were seriouse. As two months fly as the speed of the light i spend most of my time in the hospital with Lewis we learn to understand each other , my brothers with zhoa lu my childhood friend rarely come to visit me since they where busy as well as my parents.