
Sorry guys for the fact that i was absent i'm in an intense révision class for my exam which will be in the first week of february and i'm also rewriting " the Plague of my life" to make it more attractive, much more emotional and i wish you would really enjoy reading it 🥺sometimes i write poems and i will show you one but i don't know if there is a place in webnovel where we write poems.

 But please see this but it is not really a poem, it is mostly for our mom's i dont know how to put it for our dad's because i grew without mine cause he was always absent but i will try and make it : My first and everything 

My first room : my mom's womb 🤰🤰

My first restaurant : my mom's breast 🤱

My first toilet : my mom's lap 🙄🙄

My first school : my mom's kitchen ☺️❤️

My first doctor : my mom 🥺💓💘✨

My first thermometer : my mom's fingers 😌🤌

My first friend : my mom 🤍💓💘🌹😘

My first dresser : my mom 🤎💐💐💕

My first vehicle : my mom's back 😍🤍❤️❤️

 A mother is the most precious woman that GOD gave us who could support all our whims, crazyness,who understand and love us the most, the real pearl of our life which sometimes we neglet to spend more time with them and treat them harshly because we think they are old and knows nothing but in reality they knows more than us and are always doing all the possible and impossible for us but we just shed it and cover our eyes and ear not to listen and see what's good but later when we lost them we realise our mistakes but it will be too late to change things back and we start to regret. Life is really hard we try everything to make it but one step can make us to fall the cliff so when making any decision think twice 🥺. Sorry i speak too much but very soon i will continue this novel and i promis to be really fast to make you people enjoy reading ☺️.