Travelling in style.

"Greetings, I am the Electra-rider 12 bot, 5.0 model; please select your destination on the map, or you can manually type in your destination." Edward typed in an address to one of the guests on the list.

"OK, we will go to Sarah's best friend's home first. When they arrived and went up and knocked on the door, they could hear a small dog barking violently inside the house. Lucas began jumping up and down, "A puppy, a puppy, a puppy!

Same snarled, "Sounds more like a wild animal than a dog if you ask me. Someone should think about giving that noisy mutt some obedience lessons! A few minutes passed by while the three waited on the Doorstep patiently for someone to answer, but to no avail. "Well, I guess no one is home here. I'll go ahead and slip the invite under Jillian's doormat, and Sarah can contact her later and let her know where I put it. The three returned to the Electra-rider and set off for the next house. "Ok, who else do we have here, Sam? Could you read off the following address on that list, please?"

"Of course," Sam clears his throat. 45FG Lofting Avenue. Edward Looked at the same and spoke, "Oh, that's Justin and Dianna's home. Yep, Justin and I go way back; we've been friends since grade school. Edward knocked on the door, and Justin answered with a surprised expression.

"Hey, what's up, my dude? I wasn't expecting you to pop up today.

Yeah, well, I just stopped by to give you this invitation for the postnatal party we are having next week. Sarah gave birth a few weeks ago; did you not get the Email we sent?"

"Oh shit, congratulations, and no Email; I don't check it very often. You should have called or texted me, man!

Sorry, dude, my bad."

"So, Eddy, why didn't you just give me a call and invite me? That's a good question; you see, it's a family tradition on Sarah's side to invite people to the postnatal party in person.

She insisted we do it that way."

"Ha-ha, Happy wife, happy life! Should I bring anything to the party?

Everything is on the invite, so look over that."

"Okay, will do, man; see you guys next week!

For sure, dude, see you!" Edward hopped back into the Electra-rider and delivered the rest of the invitations.

Meanwhile, at home, Sarah, Suzie, and Abigail had just got the cake out of the oven. "Mmm, Doesn't That smell fantastic; asked Sarah. Abigail and Suzie both took a big inhale of the sweet aroma. Sarah smiled. "Okay, ladies, now we wait for the cake to cool, and then we can add the frosting! Suzie looked at the clock momentarily, " what should we do while we wait for this cake to cool off?

Sarah thought for a minute, "Let's build a snowman!

So, everyone bundled up and went outside and started to gather clumps of snow for their snowman.

Suzie dusted the snow off her gloves, "OK, now that our snowman is done, shall we give him a face, Sarah?

Definitely, yes and a hat and scarf as well!"

Abigail looked around until she spotted a pile of rocks in the corner of the garden.

"We Can use two of those stones for his eyes!

Suzie patted her head, "That's a brilliant idea, Abby! Abigail collected two round rocks from the pile and placed them on the snowman's face. And Sarah then used a short

stick for the nose and two long posts for the arms, and Suzie took Off her scarf and wrapped it around the neck of the snowman. The three of them stood back and admired their work. Just then, Edward, Sam, and Lucas pulled up to the house in the Electra-rider. Someone is here," exclaimed Abigail, backing away from the approaching vehicle.

"I wonder who it is?

Suzie shrugged, " I'm not sure, Sarah; let me go and see. Abigail ran behind her mother as she went to investigate the Electra-rider. The door then slid open, and out popped Lucas with a big smile upon his little round, dimpled face. "Mommy," he shouted as he leapt into her arms! Suzie was surprised as she embraced Lucas, kissed him on the forehead, and then asked about his trip. "Mommy, we rented an Electra-rider and got caught in a big deadly blizzard, and a snow monster chased us through the woods, no fooling!

Suzie giggled," Oh, is that so?

Lucas replied matter-of-factly, "Yup, that's what happened, mmhmm. "Well, not quite like that," chuckled Sam as he and Edward stepped out of the Electra-rider. Sarah, standing a few feet away, started walking over as soon as she saw Edward exiting the vehicle. "Hey, my love, you are back," she said as she stepped in For a hug. The two held each other briefly, and then Edward asked Sarah where Stormy was. Sarah smiled and Informed Edward that Stormy was resting in her swing while they built A snowman and waited for the cake to cool. "Oh, sweet, said Edward in reply to Sarah," "I'm super hungry after running around town in the cold!

Yeah, I could eat too," declared Sam."

"Well, how about we go inside and get the cake frosted and cut; Suzie suggested.

So, they all went inside. "There is my sweet little princess; said Edward as he approached Stormy in her swing. "Daddy missed you, pumpkin. Did you enjoy yourself while I was away? Edward picked up Stormy and held her close to him as she could not hold herself up. Over in the Kitchen, Sarah, Abigail, and Suzie are busy frosting the cake. "Can we put sprinkles on the cake too? Abigail asked, looking at her mom and aunt with wide puppy dog eyes. Yeah, we can do that," replied Sarah.

Sarah smiled at her niece, "Let's see now, hmmm. We have rainbow sprinkles, white round sprinkles, and these pretty blue sugar sprinkles. "Which ones would you like to use, Abigail?

"All of them! Sarah put all three types of sprinkles on top of the cake, and what a beautiful colourful cake it was!

Suzie then prepared a pot of warm milk to go with the cake, and they all sat by the fireplace and ate and drank and told stories for a few hours before saying their goodbyes for the evening. "Well, it was nice seeing you today; I must admit I wasn't up for company, but I'm glad you all came by, expressed Edward with a warm look on his face. Sam shook Edward's hand and pulled him in for a quick side hug. After everyone had gone, Sarah put Stormy to bed while Edward washed dishes. Then they went to bed. "Today turned out to be pretty fun, eh, Sarah?

Yes, it was a fantastic day, Edward!"

The two of them Snuggled close and fell asleep. The following morning was routine as usual; Edward and Sarah did all their normal daily activities, and though it was an ordinary day, they were still pleased and satisfied. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and months into years, and before they knew it, Stormy was walking around the house, talking with clear words.

Sarah spoke to her husband in a shaky voice, "Oh, Edward, it seems like only yesterday we were planning Stormy's postnatal party.

Yes, time sure does fly, my love. I can't believe she's already turning three years old next month. So, Sarah, what time would you like to go shopping for Stormy's birthday party?" "How about noon today?

Awe, I have a customer who needs a gold chain repaired, so I have to be at the shop around noon. How about the early evening?"

"Okay, Eddy, that's fine, I guess". Edward then went into the study to work on the broken necklace while Sarah fixed brunch for Stormy. "There you go, Stormy, Scrambled eggs and a side of fresh winter crystalberries.

Thank you, momma; I love you!" replied Stormy in a small chipmunk-like voice. "You are most welcome, my love; exclaimed Sarah joyfully. After Stormy finished eating, Sarah washed her up and dressed her in a big frilly winter dress." "Now you go play while mommy does some housework. "Okay, mommy!" Stormy went into her room and began playing with her doll house. After a few minutes of her playtime, she suddenly heard a whisper that seemed to have no source of origin. Stormy looked around her room but couldn't find the basis of the whispers, so she shrugged it off and continued her playtime.

A few moments later, she heard another strange whisper. This time, she felt uneasy by the noise, so she got up and ran out of her room and into the Study where her father had just finished his work. "Daddy, Daddy, someone is hiding in my closet!"

Someone in your closet?! Oh dear, I guess I'll look and see what's going on." Edward gently placed the finished necklace into a small wooden box and then walked into Stormy's bedroom to investigate her closet while Stormy followed after.

Edward opened the closet door and looked inside. Nothing in here but a mess," he chuckled sarcastically. Stormy bellowed hysterically, "But Daddy, I heard a monster whispering! Edward looked at his daughter's fearful eyes and assured her there was nothing to fear and that the sound she heard was just the wind.

"Are you ready to go bye-bye, Stormy? We are going shopping for your Birthday today.

Yay, bye-bye, I wanna go bye-bye!"

"Let's see if your mother is done getting ready then, shall we? "Sarah, my love, are you about ready to go yet?

Oh, I thought we weren't going until after you met with that customer who needed their gold chain fixed?"

"I finished it A bit early, So I thought we would go now, and I can send him a message on the meta letting him know he can pick it up now.

Okay, love, sounds like a plan; I'm going to do my makeup, and then I'll be ready." Stormy and her parents made their way into town via horseback as it was commonplace for people to use horses for transportation; after all, it was 5088 CE, and people took great care of the environment, so much so that even technology was eco-friendly. Fossil fuels and nuclear power were outlawed decades before the Great Famine of 5072 EC. "You know, Edward, now that we have a little one, perhaps we should consider getting an Electra-rider of our own?

Good thinking; we Will look into purchasing one today in town."

Sarah was excited about buying her first vehicle and spent the rest of the way to town daydreaming about it. When they finally arrived, they were met with all the sights, smells, and sounds of the bustling little city. "So, Sarah, where should we stop off at first?

Let's go look at the Electra riders!"

"Okay, we'll do that first, I suppose.

So, they went to the town Mall to shop for an Electra-rider.

Hey Edward, We can do all of our shopping here."

"Good idea, Sharah. That will make our little outing a bit easier.

Look, Eddy, there is the transportation Emporium!"

"Oh nice, let's go see what we can find. Edward and Sarah spent some time looking through a catalogue and the floor models of all the vehicles before finally coming to a decision. " an employee approached them, "Have you found what you're looking for? Edward held out the catalogue, "Yes, we sure have; we want this model. We also want to pay the extra fee for the quick delivery option.

"Marvelous," follow me, and we will get you all set up! After finishing their transaction with the cashier, they went on with the rest of their shopping and returned home.

"I can't wait until our Electra-rider gets delivered to us; screeched Sarah with a girlish giggle. Edward smiled, "Right, I'm excited too! Sarah put Stormy to sleep, and she and Edward nestled in for bed. The next few years were business as usual; the little family went about their Days in peace until early one morning when Sarah went to get Stormy up for school. What she saw upon entering her daughter's bedroom would change their lives forever!