Loreen: The ruined city

As night fell, the world was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, reminiscent of the gentle touching of a divine hand. The stars glowed like diamonds and were scattered throughout the universe, each one a promise of magic and wonder. The moon cast its silvery spell, weaving a web of enchantment that entranced the soul. The darkness was illuminated by the soft luminescence of fireflies, like tiny lanterns, acting as guidance through a mystical realm.

Land Ho!

The sound of the bells' sonorous voice echoed across the waves, awakening the slumbering spirit of a particular woman aboard the ship who stirred in anticipation.. Her eyes fluttering open in excitement.

Hermione gingerly sat upright on the couch. "We must have arrived" She said, turning to the man, whose chest she had fallen asleep.

"Yes, we have" Lloyd agreed, smiling. He took notice of the unruly strand of hair that had come to alter his wife's facial appeal, and tucked it behind her ear.