Eliminate the king

"What am I supposed to do with a female child?" Layla bellowed, her voice echoing off the stone walls of the chamber as she glared at the tiny, wriggling bundle that had just been placed before her. The baby, swathed in a soft, tattered shawl, whimpered softly, her delicate features scrunched in discomfort.

The midwives, their faces pale and apprehensive, exchanged anxious glances. One of them stepped forward, wringing her hands as she spoke, "We're truly sorry, your Highness. We had meticulously planned to bring you the boy, but… the woman who was tasked with carrying him made an error in her haste. This was beyond our control. We beg your forgiveness."

The dim light from the flickering candles danced across their worried expressions, highlighting their unease as they awaited Layla's reaction, the air thick with tension.