A Mistake

That night the cafe was closed, Amanda and Jhon were getting ready to go home. However, suddenly a group of people came and intended to destroy the cafe.

Their leader was a man who had been kicked out by Jhon for making a scene in his cafe by flirting with Amanda. The man was very upset and returned to the cafe to seek revenge.

"I will never be with an arrogant man like you! You think with money, you can have everything? No!" Amanda snapped.

The man's expression turned angry and he ordered his men. "Take her and destroy this place!"


The windows were smashed and the cafe table was smashed. Jhon, who saw this, immediately approached them and intended to stop them.

"Stop, don't do that!"

Unfortunately, Jhon was hit on the head by a wooden beam, bruising his face and causing blood to flow from his forehead.

"Jhon!!!" Amanda ran to Jhon who had fallen down after being hit. Luckily, he was still conscious.

"Uhh... Go away, Amanda! You could be in danger!" said Jhon.

Amanda shook her head, she couldn't leave Jhon and the cafe in this situation. Amanda's hands were clenched tightly into fists, anger rising inside her. She felt so angry about what that man had done to Jhon.

Without a care about her identity, Amanda immediately got up and ran to one of the men who was destroying the cafe facilities.

Amanda jumped up and locked the man's neck with her thighs, immediately she slammed the man's large body to the floor and then hit his head with a piece of the broken table.

Suddenly it made the others surprised and stopped doing what they had been doing. Jhon himself was surprised to see Amanda do it.

After the man fell, Amanda got up and looked at the four remaining men.

"Leave or I'll kick your ass," Amanda said sternly.

"Heh, you bitch! What are you waiting for, go get that woman!" their leader ordered.

The four men ran towards Amanda while carrying wooden blocks in their hands. Amanda took the block from the previous man's hand and beat them one by one.

Amanda hit one of them hard on the back of the neck, when the man ducked in pain, Amanda smashed her knee into the man's face very hard.

Not only that, there was a man who tried to attack her from behind. Amanda immediately twisted her body while kicking the man hard in the head.

"Damn you!!!"

Seeing that his three friends had fallen, the man had already raised his block, preparing to smash it against Amanda's head. But Amanda was not that cautious, she was trained. She easily dodged and hit the man on the back of the head with the wood in her hand until it shattered.


Four of the five men who had come to destroy the cafe had been taken out, leaving only one man left.

Amanda's blue eyes glanced sharply at the remaining man. Blood stains were splashed on Amanda's face. She squinted her eyes and said in a very cold tone.


Not wanting to be like his four colleagues, the man immediately fled out of the cafe. Now they were left with their leader, the insolent man who had brought the five to destroy Jhon's cafe.

"Now who's the one to be destroyed?" asked Amanda approaching the man.

The man trembled at how terrifying Amanda was. He couldn't believe that the woman he thought was just an arrogant, angry waitress could take down his five powerful men by herself.

"Don't come any closer!" The man pulled out a gun from under his shirt and pointed it at Amanda.

Amanda's steps stopped as she stared at the gun in the man's hand.

"How dare you do that! A bitch like you! You should have just sat back and accepted the money I offered without having to work in a dump like this!"

"You think so? You think you're worthy of judging someone's work just because you have a lot of money?" Amanda took a step forward toward the man.

"You think just because you have power and everything, you can easily get whatever you want?"

The woman continued to walk forward even though the man had threatened to shoot Amanda. But Amanda did not stop and continued to speak in such a sharp tone. She finally managed to corner the man and pointed a broken beam, with a sharp edge at the end.

"Listen well, arrogant sir. You might be able to get a cheap woman out there just by showing your wealth. But you're misjudging me by lumping us together. I'm not the woman you think I am, do you get that?" Amanda asked.

She quickly snatched the gun from the man's hand and pointed it at his head.

"And if you dare to cause trouble in this café again, I will not hesitate to take down all your men and hang you to be humiliated in the entire Quespion City for your stupidity."

"Let me go... I promise I won't come back again." Now that his guts had shrunk, he was really scared of Amanda.

"Then leave!"

Without saying anything else, the man went out to his car and drove away from the cafe.

Instantly Amanda collapsed on the floor with her breath catching. Her body was very weak and she was very worried that it was affecting her baby. Luckily she didn't feel any pain in her uterus.

Amanda slowly rubbed her stomach. 'You're okay, right? I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to do it...' she thought to herself.

Jhon got up from where he was and looked around his café, which was in shambles. Some tables were smashed and windows were broken. He sighed in resignation at how messy the cafe was.

Amanda who realized it immediately approached Jhon. She offered to treat Jhon's wounds first.

She took the medicine box and began to treat Jhon's wounds caused by the men's blows. Amanda tied up the four unconscious men and called George to take them to jail.

"Jhon... I'm sorry. It's because of me that you got hit..." Amanda said regretfully while treating Jhon's wounds.

"No, it's not your fault. That man who doesn't know himself and just came to ruin this place. Don't think too much about it."

"But if it wasn't for me starting it first, he wouldn't have been like that."

Jhon shook his head, what Amanda did was right.

"You shouldn't let anyone belittle or harass you. You're doing it to preserve your dignity, and that's a good thing." said Jhon.


"Are you hurt? They hit your arm."

Amanda rolled her sleeve up and saw a bruise on her left arm. But she said it was just a minor injury, nothing to worry about. To her, such injuries were common, even worse.

"About earlier..." said Jhon.

Amanda's eyes glanced at Jhon who seemed to be talking about her ability to bring them down.

"Can... Can you keep this a secret from everyone else? I don't want them to know I did all that. Please Jhon, can you not say this to anyone?" Amanda pleaded.

If other people knew about Amanda being able to do all that, she was worried that they would change their point of view about her. Plus it could be dangerous information if it spread by word of mouth and an enemy recognized her.

"Alright, I'll keep this incident a secret from everyone. Thank you for saving my cafe. If it wasn't for you, the destruction would have been worse," explained Jhon.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save everything. But I'll help you clean it up," Amanda said.

The man refused, saying he would just get someone else to tidy up the mess. He would probably close the cafe for a few days until the shattered windows and furniture were replaced with new ones.

Although he had a lot to lose by replacing them and closing the cafe temporarily when the tourists were busy.

Amanda couldn't do anything, she hoped the man would be arrested soon and held accountable by paying for all the damages.

"Now you'd better go home, you must be exhausted. I'll let you know when the cafe reopens. Let me wait for George to come and bring them,"

"Alright then. See you soon, Jhon. Good night." Amanda stood up from her chair and carried her bag back home. Before that she gave the man's gun to Jhon to keep watch.

She was still feeling uneasy because of the incident. Feelings of anger and sadness became one.

Meanwhile, Jhon was still sitting quietly in his kitchen, staring at a photograph in his hand.

"I'm sorry, Jane. I messed up."