A Conclusion


A woman was busy hitting a heavy bag with both hands and feet. Her blonde hair, which was tied up, kept flying up with her movements.

Her black eyes stared intently at the bag and she was trying to hit it very hard. Although her breathing was already labored due to the fatigue she felt, she continued to force herself to train as hard as she could in order to maximize her mission.

"If you can't beat up just three people, how can you fight more than that alone?"

"Your part is the execution of all the plans I've made. I've already briefed you and you just need to follow it. Is that still difficult for you to do?"

That sentence kept running through her head, as if it was the reason she was doing all this. She felt angry, resentful and humiliated by the words that came out of her male partner's mouth. As if he was so much better than her when she was just sitting in front of the screen all the time.

He didn't seem to want to be paired with her, even though she herself didn't want to be paired with such an annoying man.

'William Hudson, huh? What can he do besides sitting in front of a screen and hacking? Can he fight like the other agents to dare say that to me? Has he ever been in a situation like that?' the woman thought irritably.

She also thought that William's former partner, Amanda, chose to move on because she could not stand William's behavior towards her. She was sure the previous agent was fed up with what William was telling her to do.

While focusing on her punching bag, someone suddenly touched her shoulder. Reflexively, the woman turned her head and almost kicked the person. Luckily that person managed to dodge.

"Wow... Careful, you could bruise my head, Marin." said a young man who tapped Marin on the shoulder.

"Ohh... Sam, I wonder who it is. What are you doing bothering me so suddenly?"

"I just want you to take a break. You've been busy with that punching bag for almost fifteen minutes. Better rest and catch your breath," Sam said handing Marin a bottle of water.

The two sit down and talk for a while. Sam asks about Marin's new partner and how their mission is going. Marin told him that she really disliked William. According to her, he was annoying and always did whatever he wanted, ordering people around without knowing the situation.

"I was surrounded by people, but he didn't come to help me. He told me to fight them alone. They were very big and difficult to fight. When I got hurt, he just scolded me and ignored me without helping me heal my wounds!" explained an upset Marin.

"Hmnn... Maybe it's because you're not used to how it works. You know that we're newbies, right? While your partner is a professional agent. Of course our way of working is different," Sam said.

"But if he's a professional, he should be able to understand my new situation. Instead of scolding me like it's all my fault. Who does he think he is? How annoying."

Sam who was listening could only scratch his head at his friend who still hadn't learned much. The life of an agent was indeed hard and dangerous, so something like this shouldn't be a big deal.

"Even though I'm still a newbie, my grades are the best and perfect among other newbies. But how could he treat me like that!" Marin continued to rage angrily at Sam.

"Marin, you should be grateful to be teamed up with Mr. Hudson. Didn't you know that he's a famous agent at headquarters? Boss himself once gave him and his old partner an award for that,"

"Ehh? A famous agent?"

The young man nodded, he told Marin what William and Amanda were like before. They were known as Double Eyes, agents who always got the best ratings because of their success in carrying out missions.

"You didn't know? Everyone knows about it. You were chosen because they knew you always got perfect scores among all of us. You should learn to be professional from him, instead of always complaining like that," Sam explained while flicking Marin's forehead.

Despite hearing all that, Marin still felt unfair being treated like that by William. She felt William was too hard on her and she wanted to be treated like a lady.

"The point is I'm still annoyed with him! Whoever he is I don't like being treated like that!" Marin said.

Sam could only sigh seeing his best friend so spoiled like that. He sometimes wondered how a woman like Marin could be an agent with the best grades when she was like that. But no matter what, that was the reality.

"Then how about you just tell him yourself? You don't like being treated like that by him,"

"He'll scold me again. I'd better practice and I'll prove her wrong. Let her lick his own saliva!" Marin got up from her seat and went back to beating the bag.

Meanwhile, William walked into a bar that he and Amanda used to go to. There, he met a man who had been waiting for him since earlier.

"William, you finally came. Have a seat..." the man said as he shook hands with William.

"It's been a while since we had a drink together. So how are you, Lois?" William asked.

"I'm fine. Even though we're on the same base, our work always makes us forget about seeing each other."

Lois offered William a drink and he accepted. The two of them chatted intimately as they were old friends, training buddies when they first started working as agents.

He asked how William's new partner was, since he had heard about Amanda's move from the base.

"It's terrible, like she can't do anything and she's very spoiled," William replied as he downed his drink.

"Pfft... She's still new. As I recall the new agent is still 18 to 20 years old. Still very young compared to us,"

"That's true, but that doesn't mean I have to train her all the time. She's not working with me to teach her anymore but to carry out a real mission," William said.

Lois laughed at William's words especially seeing his friend's disturbed face. He knew William wasn't someone who was good at training people because he didn't want to be bothered with it.

"She's different from Amanda. Amanda and I have been partners since we were very new. Amanda can work very well and do everything by herself,"

"Because she's not Amanda. You can't equate the two of them. Amanda was trained directly by the boss, while that kid was trained by an ordinary trainer. But speaking of her, I wonder which base she's currently at," Lois said curiously.

William himself didn't know about it, he couldn't contact Amanda at all. He had tried asking their boss, but James said that it was an organizational secret. An agent's whereabouts cannot be shared even if they are fellow agents.

"Until now I don't understand why she left without saying anything to me. We've been together for 10 years, was it nothing to her?"

"I don't know... Women are very difficult to guess. Let's just wait until she suddenly returns with her husband and child, ahahahah.." Lois joked.

Hearing Lois' joke, William was silent and did not laugh. What Lois said could happen, what if Amanda came back and already had a new life?

She deliberately went away from him so she could have her own life?

"William? William!" Lois patted William hard on the back until he came to his senses. "Damn it, I was just joking. Why do you look so gloomy?"

"Me? No way. I'm just a little tipsy from drinking," William replied looking for an excuse.

William also remembered his conversation with Amanda when they were at the bar too. He remembered Amanda saying that it was not too late to get married and have a lover.

'Did she... Marry someone and then chose to move away to be with her husband?'