Trapped in The City Center

At the 20th week of her pregnancy, Amanda went back to the hospital in the city center to have her pregnancy checked. She had been doing a lot of strenuous activities lately, and she was worried that it was affecting her baby.

She had wanted to go for a checkup since yesterday, but she only had time to go that day.

It was still snowing normally that day, Amanda thought it would be fine if she went to the city center for a few hours and then came back afterwards, worried that the route to District 36 would be closed.

Off she went on the bus and got off at the bus stop after almost 40 minutes of traveling, because the road was getting slippery, the bus had to lower their speed.

"Hufft... It's so cold. I was wearing a thick jacket and gloves. Looks like I'll have to buy a new thicker one next time," Amanda said and walked towards the hospital.

Luckily, in front of the gynecologist's office, there weren't too many patients coming to check their pregnancies that day. Amanda thought she could go home early that day.

While she was waiting, she saw a couple waiting nearby. The husband gave his pregnant wife a glass of hot tea.

'Hot tea would be nice to drink while waiting for my turn. If I go to the cafeteria now, will there be enough time? What if my name is called after this?' Amanda thought.

She sighed softly and rubbed her stomach.

Suddenly a man approached Amanda and handed her a glass of hot tea. When Amanda saw his face, it was the husband of the woman sitting nearby.

"This is for you," he said.

"Oh no, no need sir..." Amanda tried to refuse because she felt bad for the husband and wife.

"It's okay, my husband can buy more. You must be cold, drink it." said the wife.

Feeling happy, Amanda accepted the tea that felt so warm in her hands while saying thank you. The man nodded and went back to the cafeteria leaving the two of them alone.

"Are you alone? Where's your boyfriend or husband?" the woman asked again.

"Mn... He's busy at work, so he can't come with me," Amanda replied.

"Husbands are supposed to accompany their wives to check on their babies. Is this your first child?"

Amanda nodded, saying it was her first child. The woman smiled and said she was used to coming to check on her baby with her husband. Hearing that Amanda could only smile.

"Your husband is very kind, he is also very caring. You must feel very lucky," Amanda said.

"Ahaha... Right, I feel happy to have a husband like him,"

"That's good." Amanda blew on her tea and drank it.

She could only lie about her situation, but even so she felt happy for the woman. She deserved a good husband.

The warm and sweet taste of the tea she drank made Amanda feel calmer.

While waiting for their names to be called, Amanda and the woman talked to each other. From their conversation Amanda learned that the woman's name was Chloe, and that she was currently pregnant with their third child even though she was still very young, 24 years old.

"I married my husband when we were 18," Chloe replied.

"Oh... I see, it's fitting that you're still so young. Where are your other children?" Amanda asked.

"We left them with our parents, we can't take them out in this snowfall. They'll get sick."

Amanda nodded as she listened to Chloe's story. Not long after, her name was called to go inside. Amanda said goodbye to Chloe and went inside.

As usual, Amanda did an ultrasound to find out how her baby was doing.

"Your baby is fine, your womb is strong. But still, don't do too much heavy work, understand?" asked the obstetrician.

"I understand, I will try to do that," Amanda replied.

"The sex is already visible. Do you want me to call your relatives to make a surprise?"

Hearing that, Amanda said to just tell her. She knew a lot of people had Gender Reveal celebrations. But there was no way she could do that.

"Alright then. Congratulations Miss Sanchess, your baby is a boy."

Amanda who found out her baby was a boy was so happy. Although she didn't care if the baby would be a girl or a boy, Amanda would still love them.

"My baby... It's a boy..."

The doctor showed Amanda the ultrasound screen and showed her the baby in her womb. Amanda had a smile on her face as she watched her baby.

After the examination, Amanda left the doctor's office and walked out of the hospital.

While she was in the lobby, the news on the television there reported that there would be a snowstorm soon. So everyone was asked to stay inside the building and not go out during the storm.

"Oh my... I have to get home before the storm comes."

In a hurry, Amanda went to the bus stop so that she could go home right away. However, no buses came at that time. The people there said that the bus operation was temporarily suspended due to the impending storm.

"You'd better find shelter, Miss. It's dangerous outside," said a passerby.

"How is this...? Do you know the nearest inn here?" Amanda asked.

"There's a hotel nearby, I think it's a five-minute walk from here. You just need to follow this one road, when you see the post office, turn right. There's a hotel to stay at," explained the male pedestrian before leaving in a hurry.

The wind started to pick up, so Amanda went to the hotel to stay for the day until the storm ended. At least by tomorrow morning there might be buses running again.

She walks to the hotel, walking carefully to avoid slipping on the slippery road.

Upon arriving at the hotel, Amanda rented a room and some food. Since her pregnancy, she had become very hungry. After getting the room key, Amanda went to her room on the 15th floor.


The door opened after she tapped the keycard on the door. Amanda went inside and closed the door.

"Hufft... It's cold outside. I hope the storm isn't too bad," she said as she took off her jacket and scarf.

Amanda turned on the heating in her room and sat on the bed.

The atmosphere of the hotel room and the white sheets reminded her of the night she and William had sex.

"That night. It felt so hot, even though the air conditioner was on at a low temperature. But in your arms it felt so warm..." murmured Amanda lying on the bed while hugging the pillow and burying her face.

"What a beautiful night, only we know but only I remember it. If only... you had accepted my feelings for you all along..."

"Did... Right now we are together... Hugging each other warmly with our son right now, Willy?"