False Alarm


Amanda drove the car to the dock where she would give the suitcase. She left when the sky was still dark enough so that when she got there, she could watch and study the place before she gave the suitcase.

She intended to accept the money given by the man who would receive the suitcase. But she will also keep the suitcase and give it to Kylie because she believes it contains something dangerous.

Indeed, what Amanda did was very sneaky, she took $2000 from the man but also kept the suitcase with her. But she had no other choice. She needed the money and also couldn't hand over the suitcase if it was dangerous.

'If I open it forcefully, there could be sensors in this suitcase that could make it explode if opened forcefully, I'm sure there's also a tracking device inside to find out where this suitcase is now,' Amanda thought as she glanced at the black suitcase she had placed next to her.