For Lucas' Sake

"Are you going home?" asked Kylie when Amanda called her sister to ask what she thought.

"Yeah, I think I'd better take Lucas to see mom and dad. I can't see Lucas feeling any different from any other kid. He has everything, but I limit him to that. That's why I decided to bring Lucas home, what do you think?"

"What do I think? If you're asking, of course it's a good idea, Amanda. You should have done it a long time ago. I'm sure mom and dad will be very happy to meet Lucas," Kylie replied.

Amanda nodded, she felt that maybe she should get out of the cocoon at this time by bringing him together with the others.

"But you don't intend to bring him together with that jerk, do you?" asked Kylie.

"Willy? No, I don't. Lucas is getting a new dad, so I don't think he needs to know about Willy. I'm sure once George becomes his dad, Lucas will slowly forget about Willy," Amanda explained.