♡The Beginning of a New Year

The new year has arrived, at the beginning of this year Amanda started her new life together with William. Although they are not yet bound by the sacred promise of marriage, they will always be together until that day comes.

Aman wakes up in the morning, making breakfast for the two people she loves the most, William and Lucas. Now Amanda feels that her life is more than enough to be with them.

Humming, Amanda prepared breakfast. From behind, a man hugged her tightly from behind. He leaned his big body slightly towards Amanda because he felt sleepy.

"Willy, I'm cooking..." Amanda protested.

"Mn... I know. Go ahead..." replied William while rubbing Amanda's stomach from under her shirt. Feeling the softness of her skin.

"But you're bothering me right now..." she replied as she felt William's warm hand on her stomach.