Limited Time

It had been almost a week, the day after tomorrow Amanda, William and Lucas had to go to Zondalia. William has taken too much time off, he needs to get back to work. As soon as he returns to Zondalia he will immediately go back to work.

"It won't be long before we have to leave and go back to Zondalia, it feels like we've only been here a short time," Amanda said, putting some of their belongings into a suitcase.

"I'm sorry we can't stay longer, I have to go back to work when I get back from here," William said.

"It's okay, just being here makes me happy. Thank you Willy."

Amanda smiled at her fiancé, even though they didn't have an engagement celebration like most couples. For Amanda, William putting a ring on her was enough.

It was better to have a celebration for their marriage.

"Oh yeah, what about your bike? Do you still have it at your old house?" asked William.