Something Good Doesn't End in Good

Amanda turned her head when she heard someone calling her, it was Marin. The blonde woman walked over to Amanda who was alone.

"Marin, what's wrong, are you looking for Willy?" Amanda asked.

"No, I really want to talk to you alone, can I?" asked Marin.

Feeling nothing strange about Marin's request, Amanda nodded her agreement. They both went to a quiet balcony to avoid the crowd.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I was just curious about you and William," Marin said, leaning against the balcony divider while looking out over the beautiful garden.

"My relationship with Willy? What's up with that?"

Marin was silent for a moment, staring into the dark night that was only lighted by a few garden lamps. The wind blew the two women's hair.

"I heard you left the base six years ago. But... Why did you come back here?" asked Marin, turning to Amanda.

"Why, is there something wrong with it?"