Kylie's New Daily Life


"That's $72.52," said a brunette woman as she put three novels into a paper bag and put a piece of tape to seal the paper bag.

The customer gave her money to the cashier and received her change as well as the paper bag containing the books she bought.

"Thank you, come again next time!" she said as she watched the customer smile and leave the bookstore.

She looked around the store, seeing if anyone needed her help or perhaps broke a seal on a book.

Her blue eyes squinted, looking at each person who was holding a book there. Looking at them one by one so as not to miss any mistakes.

"Excuse me, I want to buy this one!" called out a man.

"Oh, okay!" She went back behind the counter and made another transaction with the man.

"So how long have you been working at this store?" the man asked.