A Troublesome Guest

Reina turned to Amanda, as if to say something to the blue-eyed woman after she ate Amanda's food.

She was worried that Reina would really dislike it and scold her in front of the children who were eating at the moment. She didn't remember putting in the wrong ingredients, Rory and Lucas ate it well.

Then why was Reina looking at her like that?

"Is there something strange?" Amanda asked.

"Nothing, your cooking is interesting. If I hired you in my house, would you like to?" asked Reina suddenly.

"Hire me? You mean... As a chef?"

The woman nodded, although she acknowledged Amanda's good-tasting cooking, her face still portrayed the arrogance she had.

"Yes, I'll pay you handsomely," she replied.

"Ahh... That sounds interesting. It's just that I have no interest in becoming a chef," Amanda said.