Babymoon? Here We Go!

In the end after deciding on the place they would babymoon, Amanda and William would go there for one week. While they were away, Hannah and Nick would stay over to look after Lucas.

Amanda didn't have the heart to leave Lucas, but Hannah assured Amanda that her son would be fine with his grandparents.

"We're his family too, remember? Lucas will be fine with us. You guys enjoy your babymoon," Hannah said.

"Mnn... Okay," Amanda said and turned to her son.

"Lucas dear, Mama and Papa are going away for one week. Don't be naughty, okay? Follow what Grandpa and Grandma tell you."

Lucas looked at Amanda with a look that didn't want to be left behind, so she found it hard to leave Lucas. However, William soon knelt down in front of their son.

"Hey Lucas, Papa and Mama will be gone for a while. You stay home with your grandparents, okay? Don't forget to feed Hugo too. If you come, Hugo will be lonely without you," William said.