Something Unwanted

It was only one more day before Amanda would return to Zondalia. William was very happy that Amanda would be back soon, he was already sorry to see Lucas having to get up early and go home late because he had to take Lucas to the headquarters after school.

Moreover, the place was not suitable for children because it contained secret agents who were busy with their work. He couldn't keep bringing his son to a place like that.

After school, they went to the convenience store to buy some snacks so Lucas wouldn't get hungry while waiting.

"Papa, Lucas wants this chocolate!" Lucas pointed.

"You just ate it yesterday, remember what Mama said? Don't eat too much chocolate," William replied.

"Just one more! When Mama get home Lucas won't eat that chocolate again!" he pleaded, tugging at the hem of William's shirt.

Not wanting Lucas to get cranky again, William allowed him to buy one chocolate and then went to buy other snacks and drinks.