Check Up The Twins

As Amanda expected, it snowed again the next day. She was hesitant to go outside because of the cold. But she had to check her pregnancy.

"It's okay, it won't take long. We'll go straight home afterward. Let's just leave Lucas at home with Hugo, it would be a shame to bring him in this state," William said.

"Will he be okay? I feel worried if something happens to him later."

"He's in the house, Hugo's with him anyway. We'll only be gone for four hours at most, right?"

Amanda nodded, William was right, it would be a pity to take Lucas out in the cold, he could get sick. They ended up leaving Lucas in the warm house with Hugo and her cell phone.

"I left my cell phone with you. If there's anything, call Papa's cell phone, okay?"

"Okay, Mama!"

"We won't be long. Hugo, take good care of Lucas."

Woof woof!!