Something You Hate Can Become Something You Love

A boy had just returned home from school. He went inside and took off his shoes, soon the mother came in and reprimanded her eldest son.

"Willy, I heard you pushed a girl in your class until she cried. Is that true?"

"She annoys me and is very noisy. Clinging like a parasite," he replied dryly as he took off his shoes.

"But you can't hurt a girl, you're a boy!"

"Then?" the boy asked, turning to his mother. "If she's so annoying that she keeps sticking around, should I just do what she wants? How annoying. Girls are so noisy and annoying!" he continued and climbed the stairs.

"Willy!" Hannah yelled at her son but he didn't stop walking to his room.

She was so worried that his habits and attitude would carry over into adulthood, even though William was only 11 years old, it could be bad for him.

"What if Willy is going to be rude to women when he grows up? That would be terrible," she told Nick who had just walked into the house.