Big Annoying Misunderstanding

After their short vacation was over, on the third day they returned home. The journey home was of course quite long, but just like when they left, they enjoyed every moment.

"Willy, why don't we have lunch outside before we go home?" Amanda asked while eating a pocky.

"That's fine, what would you like to eat?"

"I want... Hmn... Something good. Maybe a pizzeria or a burger restaurant?"

"You said yourself not to eat fast food too often, but you're asking for it now," William said.

She explained that she told their children not to eat that kind of food often because they were still young. Amanda wants to teach them healthy food first as long as she can control what they eat.

"When they grow up, they are free to eat anything. We don't know if they will still eat vegetables or fast food. But as long as I can control it, I will give them healthy food first for their development," Amanda explained.