Feeling Peace Again?

Amanda turned to Ryan who confidently wanted to fight her again because he felt their fight was unfair in the dark. She sat on a chair while they sat on the floor in a bound position.

"What's the difference between fighting in the dark or the light? You think I can see in the dark so I can beat you easily? If you call yourself an expert, don't just rely on your eyesight but also your other senses," Amanda said.

"Tch, don't lecture me like you're better than me! You started the ruckus by embarrassing me and my friends at the restaurant that day!"

"It all happened because you spoke to me in a disrespectful tone, cornering my husband by saying that he's just a man who pretends to be a hero and only claims to be one. Who made the scene in the first place?"

Ryan's two female friends began to question the man's story that Amanda had seduced Ryan into cheating him and taking his money.