Divided Council

The massive doors to the council chamber slid open with a majestic hum, revealing the expansive hall bathed in a soft, azure glow. Shadows danced on the intricate zodiac mosaics that adorned the walls, each sign shining subtly as if whispering their ancient tales. Capricorn, with a steadfast gaze, entered, cradling the precious ancient documents that could dictate the Phants' future. His footsteps resonated with intent across the reflective floor, the sound a stark contrast to his earlier, hesitant entry.

Holding his ground at the council's grand table, its surface shimmering with interstellar maps and holograms, he unveiled the timeworn texts with a reverence reserved for sacred relics. "The 'Day of Auroura Anime Rebirth' is not mere folklore," he asserted, his voice unwavering as he spread the scriptures for all to see. "Behold, the patterns and prophecies – they indicate the anomaly's return every millennium."

An eerie silence blanketed the room, each guardian's gaze locked onto the ancient symbols, cryptic diagrams, and celestial charts before them. The weight of a thousand years of history pressed down upon them. Sagittarius, usually the beacon of light-heartedness in the council, was the first to pierce the quietude, his joviality replaced with a pressing curiosity. "A cycle of a thousand years, yet why is it that none amongst us have witnessed its signs before?"

The ambient light in the room seemed to dim a fraction as Capricorn acknowledged Sagittarius' query with a solemn nod. "Your skepticism is not misplaced," he began, his voice a measured cadence. "Many chronicles of past occurrences were engulfed by calamities, inexplicably coinciding with the anomaly's day. It's as though the cosmos itself conspires to cloak its own transgressions."

With care, he gingerly turned the pages of an aged script, its edges brittle from the weight of eons, until he found a passage that seemed to hold particular significance. Tracing a line with his finger, he highlighted, "Look here - the name 'Record Beary's Cemetery Archives' echoes in these texts. The specifics are maddeningly elusive, but it might be the crux to unraveling this enigma."

The revelations acted like ripples on the once calm waters of the council's convictions. Skepticism started to ebb away, replaced with a rising tide of unease. Amidst the council, Leo's normally fiery demeanor smoldered in silent introspection. The shimmering gold of his eyes darted between the revealed documents and Capricorn, shadows of concern etching lines on his noble countenance.

Misreading Leo's pensive demeanor as disgruntlement, much like the sentiments of a few others, Capricorn felt the subtle yet undeniable strain weaving through the council. The unity they once took pride in was showing fissures, a schism gradually emerging.

From the crescent-shaped enclave of the council room, three figures who had been silent spectators up till now shifted in their seats.

Cancer, the guardian of the lunar domain, seemed almost ethereal. His pale blue eyes, reminiscent of moonlit waters, observed everything with a profound intensity. Adorning his fair skin was an intricate silver tiara, fashioned to resemble the moon in its different phases. When he finally spoke, his voice was soft but resonant, like waves lapping at the shore, "The tides of time and truth cannot be suppressed. These scripts resonate with the pulse of the universe."

Beside him, Virgo, a symbol of nature's meticulous design, sat tall and regal. Her emerald eyes shimmered with wisdom, and cascading locks of auburn hair framed a face marked by purity and precision. A robe woven from strands of harvested grain draped her form, a testament to the Earth's bounty. She leaned forward, adding, "Nature rarely errs, and when it speaks through ancient text, it behooves us to listen."

Libra, the embodiment of balance, with eyes as clear as crystal, observed the interactions with an impartial gaze. Her androgynous beauty was enhanced by a silver circlet, bearing the emblematic scales, resting on her forehead. Her voice, harmonious and poised, chimed in, "Equilibrium demands that we weigh every evidence, ancient or new, before passing judgment."

Surrounded by the pulsating lights of the council room and the distant stars outside the station, Cancer, Virgo, and Libra emanated an almost ethereal wisdom, like the glow of ancient constellations in a vast cosmic expanse. Their voices intertwined in harmony, aligning with Capricorn, a symphony of conviction, their trust in the age-old scripts unyielding.

Yet, in the face of such fervor, the remaining eight council members remained unmoved, their positions grounded in steadfast skepticism. Though the ancient scrolls and data tablets resonated with an undeniable truth, these members cast it aside, viewing the ominous prophecy merely as a singularity — a stray brush stroke on the canvas of the cosmos.

The vast council chamber seemed to echo the division, shadows flickering on its shimmering surfaces. On one side, Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, and Libra stood defiant, like pillars of ancient knowledge amidst a sea of doubt. Opposing them, the rest of the council members remained resolute, their unity shattered by the whisperings of an old tale and a guardian's unyielding promise to protect the vulnerable Phants, even in the face of disbelief.

Seeing the divide growing, Leo rose from his seat, his commanding voice echoing through the chamber. "We are not here to argue about ancient myths and legends. We are here to protect the universe and its inhabitants. If we spend all our time fearing every prophecy, we will fail in our duty."

His words brought silence, a tense calm that shrouded the room. The eight who sided with Leo nodded in agreement, their faces hard and resolute. But Capricorn saw through their façade, he saw the fear hidden in their eyes, the realization that maybe they were wrong.

"And what if we fail in our duty by ignoring these prophecies?" Capricorn retorted, his gaze intense. "What if we let fear cloud our judgment, ignore the signs, and doom the Phants to their fate?"

The tension in the room thickened as the other members of the council took in Capricorn's words. They glanced at each other, discomfort creeping on their faces. The balance of the room was shifting, and Capricorn could feel it.

Libra, known for her ability to maintain balance, broke the silence. Her voice was calm and composed, a stark contrast to the heated argument that had just ensued. "Capricorn is right," she said, her gaze steady. "We can't afford to ignore these prophecies. We need to investigate further."

Virgo, the meticulous and practical one, agreed. "These documents might be ancient, but the evidence they hold is too compelling to ignore," she added, her fingers tracing the ancient scripts. "We need to prepare ourselves and the Phants for the anomaly."

Cancer, the empathetic one, also voiced his support for Capricorn. "The Phants deserve to know what might happen," he insisted, his voice filled with concern. "We can't leave them in the dark."

But despite the support Capricorn received, the majority still held onto their skepticism. Pisces, known for her intuition, shook her head. "This is just fear talking. We can't let it guide our decisions."

With her fiery crimson hair cascading down like the plume of a phoenix, Aries took a step forward. Her striking eyes, resembling molten lava, held a defiant glint that epitomized her fearless nature. The indomitable spirit of the ram, symbolic of her zodiac, was evident in every gesture and word. Aries, always the headstrong and assertive one, confidently addressed the council, her voice ringing clear and resolute. "We've been through worse, we can handle whatever comes our way. There's no need to cause unnecessary panic."

Capricorn felt a pang of frustration. It seemed no matter what he did or said, some were unwilling to see the truth. But he couldn't let their disbelief stop him. He knew what was at stake and was willing to do whatever it took to protect the Phants.

As the council session ended, the room was filled with an uneasy silence. Disputes had arisen, sides had been chosen, and an unknown future lay ahead. The Zodiac Council, once united, was now a battlefield of beliefs, torn between ancient prophecies and modern skepticism. The weight of the future rested on their decisions, and the fate of the Phants hung in the balance.

The chamber, once buzzing with debate, now lay silent. The ghostly echoes of heated arguments bounced off the high, ornate ceiling, past the towering glass windows that unveiled the black velvet of space, strewn with glittering stars. The windows were a constant reminder of their duty to the universe, its myriad of lifeforms, its mysteries and its impending threats.

In the silence, Capricorn could hear the faint hum of the space station, feel the gentle thrum of its energy through the ground beneath his feet. The grand room, a blend of celestial decor and advanced technology, was a testament to the universal responsibilities bestowed upon them. Amongst the grandeur, the ancient document on the council table stood out - a harbinger of doom that had divided the unity they once boasted.

Capricorn picked up the document gently, feeling the crinkled texture, its age a reminder of the relentless cycle of time. The text was a jumbled mess of ancient dialects and cryptic diagrams, but amidst the chaos, lay the key to the survival of the Phants.

The chamber's exit opened with a soft hiss, pulling him out of his contemplation. In the doorway stood Leo, his golden mane dim in the fading light. There was a moment where their eyes met - Capricorn, the determined guardian, and Leo, the charismatic leader, now wary of his council mate.

"Capricorn," Leo's voice echoed in the empty chamber. His gaze was steady, but his tone had an unfamiliar heaviness. "We all want what's best for the universe, don't forget that."

Capricorn nodded, holding his gaze. "I don't intend to, Leo," he responded, his voice resonating with his resolute determination. "But it seems some of us have forgotten that our duty is to protect, not ignore the impending threats."

Leo left without another word, the door closing behind him with a soft hiss, leaving Capricorn alone with his thoughts. He knew Leo was not convinced, and he also knew that his words had planted a seed of suspicion in Leo's mind. But it was a risk he had to take.

As the council room dimmed, reflecting the closing cycle, Capricorn thought of the Phants - the lifeforms under his protection. He thought of their unique, elephantine visages, their vibrant cities, their bustling markets. The Phants, so advanced yet so oblivious to the looming disaster, relied on him, and he would not let them down.

This chapter of their lives had come to an end, but a new one was about to unfold. A chapter filled with suspicion, disputes, and unending challenges. The Council was now divided, with lines drawn and suspicions simmering. But Capricorn was prepared, for he knew this was just the beginning of a long, strenuous journey. It was the start of a fight he was determined to win - not just for himself, but for the Phants. For their future, for their survival.