The Arrest

The dawn broke, bringing a new day full of promises and threats alike. The city of Phantopolis, nestled amidst lush alien fauna, was beginning to stir, oblivious to the drama that was about to unfold in its streets. The Phants, with their humble beginnings and their incredible rise to sophistication, were going about their morning routines, their ears tuned to the soothing harmony of the city's music spheres. Unaware, they continued their lives under the watchful gaze of their guardian, Capricorn, and the looming shadows of uncertainty.

Capricorn, having spent the night in deep contemplation, walked back to his quarters, his mind buzzing with plans and strategies to convince his people. His stride was firm, his resolve stronger than ever. The first rays of SoleStar's suns reflected off his silver armor, a radiant symbol of his pledge to safeguard the Phants.

Just as Capricorn reached the steps of his dwelling, a strong hand landed on his shoulder, spinning him around. His eyes met with those of Leo, the Zodiac Council's Commander. Leo's gaze held a mixture of annoyance, defiance, and a hint of satisfaction. The sight of Leo didn't surprise Capricorn, but the dozen armored soldiers surrounding him certainly did.

"Capricorn," Leo greeted coldly. "You're under arrest by the order of the Zodiac Council." His voice echoed through the still morning air, attracting the attention of nearby Phants.

For a moment, Capricorn was silent, his mind processing the absurdity of the situation. He finally found his voice, calm but laced with disbelief, "What is the meaning of this, Leo?"

Leo held out a sealed holographic parchment, its crimson hue a grim reminder of its official nature. "You've been creating panic, sowing the seeds of chaos among the Phants with your baseless theories. This...," he waved the parchment dismissively, " for disturbing the peace of our universe. You're a risk we can't afford to take."

The words hung heavily in the air as Capricorn looked from Leo to the soldiers, and finally, to the gathering crowd of Phants. There was confusion in their eyes, mixed with fear and a heartbreaking sense of betrayal.

"Leo," Capricorn spoke, his voice steady, "You're making a grave mistake."

Leo's response was a mere smirk as he signaled his soldiers. They moved in, their energy shackles shimmering ominously. Capricorn made no attempt to resist, his gaze never leaving Leo's. The onlookers gasped as the shackles closed around Capricorn's wrists, their Guardian arrested in broad daylight.

As they led Capricorn away, a strange silence descended over Phantopolis. The music spheres seemed to lose their harmony, and even the vibrant fauna appeared to dim. The city had lost its guardian, and with him, a piece of its soul.

Back at his quarters, Leo looked out at the city, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. He had silenced the panic, or so he thought. But deep within, a sliver of doubt crept in. Had he just quelled a rising tide of chaos or had he set in motion a chain of events leading to a catastrophe?

As the day unfolded, the news of Capricorn's arrest spread like wildfire, marking the beginning of a grim chapter for the Phants. The ever-resilient city continued its daily rhythm, but the air of uncertainty and tension was palpable. Phantopolis, the city of musical wisdom, had lost its melody. And all eyes were now on the Zodiac Council, awaiting the outcome of the unheard prophecy. The stakes were high, the future uncertain, and the clock was ticking for Capricorn. His fight was far from over; it had just taken a new turn.

Understandably, Capricorn's arrest sent shockwaves through the Phant community. They had always seen him as a steady presence, a symbol of protection. His absence felt like a cavernous hole in the heart of the city, leaving them with a sense of unease they had never experienced before.

Meanwhile, Capricorn was taken to the Zodiac Council's detention center, a complex built into an asteroid orbiting SoleStar. It was a cold, sterile place, the antithesis of the vibrant city he was used to. He was placed in a containment unit, a translucent energy field replacing conventional bars. Despite the unsettling circumstances, Capricorn was strangely calm. His mind was occupied with worry for his people and a determination to make them see the danger that was brewing.

Back on the council space station, Leo was congratulated by his fellow council members. Aries clapped him on the back, Gemini thanked him for maintaining the council's integrity, and even the usually silent Taurus gave him a nod of approval. The council members believed they had quashed a potential rebellion, ensuring their rule remained unquestioned.

But the support wasn't unanimous. Cancer, Virgo, and Libra were absent from the council chambers when Capricorn's arrest was announced. They were on their respective planets, preparing for the imminent threat, their trust in the council fractured. Capricorn's arrest was not just a personal affront, but it also indicated a division within the council, a fissure that could grow into a chasm if not addressed.

The news of Capricorn's arrest didn't just impact the Phants or the council. It resonated throughout the Zarnac System, leading to hushed whispers and speculative discussions in every corner of the universe. The possibility of a rift within the powerful Zodiac Council gave birth to various theories and potential scenarios. A wave of uncertainty was sweeping across the system, heightening tensions and causing disarray.

Simultaneously, a figure watched the events unfold from the shadows. Scorpio, the council's intelligence chief, known for his cunning and secrecy, kept a close eye on Leo's actions. He was a master of intrigue, always lurking in the shadows, observing, calculating, and manipulating. Scorpio had a mind like a maze, full of twists and turns that few could navigate. As he saw Capricorn led away, a sinister smile crossed his face. The game was just beginning.

Throughout the day, SoleStar hung low in the sky over Phantopolis, casting long shadows across the city. The air was heavy with an unspoken fear, a silent prayer on everyone's lips. It was as if the planet itself was mourning the loss of its guardian.

Back in his containment unit, Capricorn looked out through the energy field at the stars, their twinkling lights distant and indifferent. His mind was in turmoil, a whirlpool of concern, anger, and determination. He knew he had to act. But first, he had to get out of the detention center.

The next day would bring new challenges, and Capricorn would face them head-on. His fight wasn't for himself, but for his people. For their future. For Phantopolis. The city had lost its melody, and Capricorn vowed to return it, no matter the cost. His spirit was unbowed; his determination, unbroken.

As the council reveled in their perceived victory, and the city mourned its loss, Capricorn was planning. Planning to open their eyes to the truth. Planning to make them understand the magnitude of the threat they were ignoring. Capricorn's story was far from over. It was just entering its most crucial phase.

The events of the day had set the wheels of fate in motion. The tension was rising, and the undercurrents of change were becoming stronger. The 'Day of Auroura Anime Rebirth' was inching closer, and the universe held its breath, waiting for the moment of truth. The outcome of this unseen prophecy was uncertain, but one thing was clear - the Zarnac System was on the brink of an epochal shift, and Capricorn was at its epicenter.

Capricorn's eyes were trained on the distant, flickering stars when a sharp, controlled voice echoed in his cell. "None of this would've happened if he were still here."

Capricorn turned to find Scorpio standing at the edge of his containment field, his sharp gaze betraying no emotion. His tone, though emotionless, carried a hint of regret. His gaze never wavered from Capricorn as he continued, "But ever since he was exiled, Leo... well, he hasn't been the same."

Scorpio was referring to the 13th member of the Zodiac Council, a mysterious figure whose existence had been scrubbed from the council's records and whose name had become a whispered legend. The council had once been composed of thirteen guardians, each representing a zodiac sign. But the 13th, known as Ophiuchus, had been exiled long ago for reasons buried under layers of secrecy.

Capricorn had always respected Ophiuchus and admired him for his wisdom and strength. His exile had left a void in the council that had never been filled. A quiet tension always hung during council meetings, a lingering reminder of the missing 13th member. Leo had taken Ophiuchus's expulsion particularly hard. They had been close, and Ophiuchus's absence had altered him in a way no one had expected.

Scorpio's statement hung heavily in the air, a reminder of a loss they all felt but seldom spoke of. Capricorn's eyes hardened as he met Scorpio's gaze. He knew Scorpio had not come here merely to offer condolences or empty apologies. Scorpio was a master strategist, and every word every action had a purpose.

As Scorpio looked at Capricorn, he let out a heavy sigh. "I came to apologize," he said, his voice nearly a whisper. "I felt something was off, but I didn't act."

Capricorn kept his gaze steady. Apologies were of little use to him now. His concern lay with his people, with SoleStar. However, Scorpio's visit confirmed his suspicions that there was more to the situation than met the eye. A seed of an idea began to form in Capricorn's mind.

He knew he had to escape, uncover the truth, and expose it to his people and the council. As Scorpio left his cell, Capricorn looked out again at the distant stars. Amidst the turmoil, one thought remained clear - Capricorn's fight was far from over. It was only the beginning. And he wouldn't stop until he had done everything he could to save his people. After all, failure was not an option.