"life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music"
The first week turns into two, and before he knows it, a month of lessons has passed. A slight frown coated his brows when he checked off his calendar this morning, surprised to see that so much time has already passed so quickly.
But in a way, this is a good thing, considering today's actually pay day.
This past month has brought visible progress at least, and he can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he watches her play. The mistakes are somewhat fewer, her fingers surer on the keys, and there's a newfound determination that radiates from her. He didn't think she'd be even more determined than before, but lo and behold.
The tension that marked their initial lessons has also given way to a more comfortable rapport, and it's a change he welcomes. Clearly, she was too eager and he was too unprepared.
But they managed to overcome it, and it can only go upwards from here, right?
However, as the notes dance beneath her fingertips today, he observes the occasional misstep—a wrong note here, a slight hesitation there. It's not glaring, but it's enough to remind him that there's still work to be done. Maybe she's just nervous, but it doesn't damper his mood.
And he appreciates her efforts; he knows she's been practicing outside their lessons. But this journey isn't a sprint—it's a marathon, and perfection isn't expected overnight. He realised that with her more than ever.
She finishes the warmups he has thought her over the last while, brown curls falling gracefully into her face. Like he has on numerous occasions this past few weeks, he pretends not to notice.
"Great," he says, eyes locked on her fingers. They're still resting on the keys. "That was great."
She smiles back, brown eyes scrunched in the most adorable way. With a patient smile of his, he decides it's about time to introduce her to dynamics. This concept will of course add a new layer of complexity to her playing.
But he thinks she's ready for it. It can't be any worse than her first week here, right? However, the furrow between her brows deepens as he explains, and he can practically see the wheels turning in her mind.
"Okay, let me see if I can explain this any simpler," he says, furrowing his own brows. His hand brushes against his hair, which is tied up in a low bun today. He's been meaning to cut it these past few months, but he hasn't gotten as far.
"I mean, a simpler explanation would be nice," she says shyly, tucking a loose strand of her own hair behind her ear. "Just a beginner here."
He chuckles at her comeback, standing up to collect something from his little backpack in the corner. He's gotten slightly used to her little quips, her small comments.
He retrieves a piece of paper from his bag, one that he got when he first started learning music. He fished it out of the pile of old junk in his closet last night, just for her. Well, to give to her, at least.
He's sort of surprised the paper is still in proper condition - it has literally been years since he last even glanced at it.
"In music, dynamics are like the colors you use to paint a picture," he begins, leaning against the piano with a focused yet patient demeanor. "They add depth, emotion, and intensity to what you're playing. Think of it as a way to make your music more expressive and interesting."
He places the slightly wrinkled page in front of her, making her expressive eyes go slightly wide. He gestures to it, pointing out the symbols that indicate dynamics. "You'll often see these symbols next to the notes. 'F' stands for forte, which means loud. It's like speaking or playing with a strong voice." He raises his voice slightly to emphasize the point.
She nods, mouth slightly agape.
"On the other hand, 'P' stands for piano, which means soft," he drops his voice to a hushed tones. "It's like whispering or playing with a gentle touch."
He then directs her attention to two other terms. "There's also mezzo-forte, which means moderately loud. It's like speaking in a conversational tone. And mezzo-piano, abbreviated as 'MP,' which means moderately soft. Imagine speaking softly so that only someone close can hear you."
He watches as she absorbs the information, knowing that dynamics can be a bit overwhelming at first. "Remember, dynamics give your music life and emotion. They're like the heartbeats of a piece, guiding the listener through its journey."
Her big eyes remain wide as all this new information gets dumped on her. Her smile falters a little bit, but you can see that she doesn't want to look intimidated.
"Heartbeats, huh?" she says, letting out an airy laugh. "Might need to give it CPR if I manage to mess this up."
Another chuckle from Jongeun, gummy grin on full display.
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