The Letter to Goodbye

June 21, 2044- Tuesday

In the movie, the superheroes fly above the building throwing lights from their hands in steady white streams. Kevin and Rise watch the movie in the living room entertained by the action sequences. The bag of nacho chips is open in between the boys. They each grab a handful every few minutes into the palm of their hands, leaving orange streaks on their fingertips. In the immediate surroundings, the sound of the movie and the crunching of chips is the only sound that can be heard. The front door opens with a squeak.

“Having fun?” asks Ma passing through the living room with the mail in her hands.

“Yes, Mrs.Prong,” says Kevin.

“Yes, Ma,” says Rise.

Ma comes back from the kitchen standing next to Rise. She hands him a letter addressed to him in a handwritten font on a cream-colored envelope.

Rise Prongs

113 W 10 E

Bakersfield, OH 43110

There is a red ink stamp with the word URGENT in bold on the other side. The sender’s name is unknown to Rise.

Agent Vermont

37th St

New York City, NY 10017

Rise feels his heartbeat rise in anticipation as he opens the edge of the envelope with care. There is a single letter inside made of thick paper. Rise notices an official-looking seal on the bottom in metallic color with the county’s flag. He begins to read the page, his eyes growing larger. Without saying anything he hands the letter to his mother, trying to keep his emotions in check.

His Ma just shakes her head reading the letter several times.

“Maybe you won’t have to go, Rise,” says Ma.

“What is it?” asks Kevin with a gentle voice.

“I have to leave for training in New York for ‘special training’, but we all know what that means- the Deathathon,” says Rise.

There is quiet in the room as Ma continues to pace in the kitchen the letter clutched in her hand. The movie’s credits roll on the screen in bolded white letters on a black screen. Kevin shakes hands with Rise and leaves for the front door.

“See you man, text you later,” says Kevin.

“See you,” says Rise.

Once Ma has calmed down and sets the letter down on the kitchen table, they talk about what they need to do next. Someone will be here on Thursday to pick up Rise. Ma walks to the closet in the hallway and retrieves a large duffle bag.

“It’s best if you pack what you need sooner than later,” says Ma her eyes filling with tears.

Rise takes the bag and heads upstairs in quick steps. The items: clothes, shoes, and a family photo lie inside the open bag scattered like the remnants of his life. His thoughts swirl in his mind. Rise sits on the edge of the bed and pulls his knees close to him letting the tears fall; he wouldn't let his parents see. The door to his room is closed. But he allows himself this one time of sadness. Cool drops of tears streaming down his cheeks fall freely for a few minutes. He wipes them away and closes the bag.

June 23, 2044- Thursday

The gravel crunches under the new tires of the black SUV driving up the Prongs’ residency under the afternoon high sun. The shine, bouncing in all directions off the car's hood contrasts with the rust of Pa’s truck. Rise stands at the front porch of his house; his Ma and Pa are with him looking upon the arrival of the car. His mother holds her hand on his shoulder with a firm grasp.

A pair of back stilettos heels step out of the car moving the rocks on the ground underneath. A woman who upon close inspection is familiar to Rise. It was the woman, who was one of the strangers looking at him from afar during the Spring season! She walks up the steps of the porch dressed in a black suit, her hair in a half updo.

“Hello, the name is Agent Vermont,” says the stranger shaking hands with all of the people on the porch.

Ma offers they go inside to get something to drink.

Rise looks behind at the car wondering if the other stranger is also in the car, the man who was with her the last two times. All four of them sit at the table. Agent Vermont agrees to drink a cup of lemon ginger tea. The steam from the white cup swirls in the air obscuring her face. The adults talk about where Rise will be staying- a government sports complex in New York City. Agent Vermont reassures them not to worry as this is only for training purposes.

Agent Vermont turns to Rise saying, “I will need your wrist for your wristband,” she pulls out a shiny object from her blazer’s pocket.

The digital wristband snaps on Rise’s wrist and flashes a blue light on the screen. So this was the end of his freedom thought Rise. His other hand automatically traced the edges of the wristband, it is snug to his skin. The plastic and metal of the wristband feel cool to the touch. Agent Vermont stands thanking Ma for the tea, she motions for Rise to follow her out. It is time to go.

Ma hugs Rise tight followed by Pa. Rise tries his best to keep his emotions inside, the panic threatening to overflow. He doesn’t want to leave his family. They stand in the kitchen for a minute saying goodbye.

“We’ll be here for you, Rise,” says Ma.

The door to the house closes behind with a creak of the screen door. Rise carries his duffle bag on his shoulder its heaviness grounding him to the moment. Agent Vermont opens the door to the back of the SUV. Rise steps inside. From the darkened window, Rise can make out the shadows of his parents standing on the porch. Agent Vermont is talking to him, but the noise is drowned in his ears by the pounding of his heart. He watches his home become smaller as the car pulls away from the gravel driveway. Rise sits in the seat, buckling on the seat belt. Rise wonders what happens when he leaves this seat. What awaits him is the start of his journey to the world of the Deathathon.