Confrontations and Confusion

As I made my way to the office, a familiar sense of dread washed over me. This time, however, it was not Mr. Johson waiting for me. Instead, the blonde-haired lady, whom I had caught glimpses of before, greeted me with a stern look on her face. In an instant, she shut the door behind me, enveloping the room in an atmosphere of tension.

I anxiously took a seat, feeling the weight of her gaze upon me. Without any preamble, she folded her arms and said, "I heard you attacked Adeyemi today." Her words echoed in the silence, leaving me no choice but to confront the consequences of my actions head-on.

Summoning whatever strength I had left, I replied, "Yes...I did. He...he talked about my dad. He died from cancer, and...and Adeyemi was making fun of me, all because Mr. Johson signed me up for the cheerleading team." My voice trembled, a mixture of anger and sorrow welling up within me.

The office lady, her expression unyielding, crossed her legs and leaned forward. "So, do you believe it was justified to hit him?" she asked, her voice devoid of sympathy. I swallowed hard, my heart sinking at the realisation of my wrongdoing. "No," I admitted, shame colouring my voice. "I know it wasn't right, but I didn't know how else to handle the situation."

Suddenly, she exploded in anger, her voice reverberating through the small office. "YOU DON'T HIT PEOPLE HERE!" Her words pierced my soul, intensifying the sadness and frustration already overwhelming me. At that moment, all I wanted to do was escape. I stood up abruptly, my intention clear, but her commanding voice halted me in my tracks.

"COME BACK HERE, I'M NOT DONE!" Her words echoed through the room, compelling me to return to my seat against my own will. I sank back into the hard chair, my mind spinning with confusion and despair.

Seizing the opportunity to exert her authority, she leaned forward and continued, her tone filled with accusation. "I've also heard that you and your little friends have been digging around. Let me be clear: I want all of you to stop. There is nothing you should be looking into, and if your friends are behind that Instagram account, tell them to stop it immediately. Otherwise, I will not hesitate to have you all arrested and charged with spreading misinformation."

The weight of her threat hung in the air, suffocating any hope I had left. I left her office with a heavy heart, unable to bear the weight of the world crashing down on me. Tears streamed down my face, and I ran to the refuge of the bathroom, seeking solace amidst the chaos.

The intercom crackled, and my heart skipped a beat as I heard my name echo through the school corridors, "Kamari Kwog wanted for dismissal." Startled, I emerged from the bathroom, my eyes still red from the earlier bout of tears. An early release wasn't in my plans, and my mom picking me up was equally unexpected.

I hastily walked past my classroom, grabbed my backpack, and made my way to the front office, wondering what could prompt such an abrupt change in my school day. As I approached the office, my gaze caught a familiar figure waiting for me.

Amina, my sister, stood there with a concerned expression. Relief washed over me at the sight of her, and a genuine smile broke through the remnants of my earlier distress. However, she wasted no time in asking, "Why were you crying, Kamari?"

In that moment, I chose to keep the truth veiled, a heavy secret I wasn't ready to share. "Oh, just allergies," I replied, my voice masking the emotions I wished to keep hidden. "I'll tell you later."

As we walked out of the school together, I made sure to text Esi and Tamru, informing them of Amina's unexpected early pick-up.

The crisp air enveloped us as we stepped outside, unable to contain the storm of emotions within, I broke down, my tears falling freely as I shared with Amanina the troubling incident that transpired inside the building. Her eyes flashed with anger as the words spilled from my lips.

In a surge of protective fury, Aamina instinctively moved towards the school entrance, ready to confront the source of my distress. However, I halted her, urging her to let it go. I explained that any retaliation would only brand me as weak, inviting more torment from those who revelled in my vulnerability. It was a delicate balance, a tightrope I walked to preserve whatever semblance of dignity I had left.

Amanina's incredulous expression shifted to one of realisation as she absorbed the gravity of my situation. "Wait, you're getting bullied?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief and anger. The truth hung in the air, a stark revelation that laid bare the dark undercurrents within Rosewood.

In that moment, as the reality of my silent struggles became apparent, Amanina's anger transformed into a fierce determination.

The sterile atmosphere of the school office surrounded me as I stood, determined, requesting to speak with the head principal. The receptionist hesitated, informing me that she was currently in a meeting. Without faltering, I decided to wait, a silent promise burning in my eyes.

"You know what, go sit in the car," Amina said, handing me her car keys. Amina walked back into the school, and I went to sit in the car.

"Hello, I would like to speak to the head principal," Amina said to the lady at the front desk. The lady informed her that the principal was in a meeting. Amina replied, "I will wait, and please let her know it's her favorite student, Aamina Kowg." The lady looked scared and immediately called the head principal on the phone.

"Follow me," Amina said, looking up at me. "Adalyn, it's me. I'm back." I stood up and followed her to the office. We went in, and she told me sternly, "Don't call me by my first name"

"Adalyn, that tactic might have worked on my little sister, but not on me. Don't yell in my face, or do you want to be exposed for what happened?" Amina said. She replied, "You have nothing on me; you're just bluffing." I looked at her with a smirk and said, "You know how long it has been? It's been 2 years since I was last here as a student, so I also know some things."