Making more money

 After giving Adam certain instruction's about club and book ticket's to germany and making an appoinment with klopp, Harry and Camilla started doing their own things .

 after a few days Harry came to the club again and started to inspect the facilities in the club . there he came to know the equipments and sports facilities are atleast 10 years backwards in technology. and the previous owner's don't even think about upgrading the club. and thought to himself


seeing this he thought to himself " haaa, i have to improve the whole facilities ".

and then he came to his office and started thinking about how to start making money to enhance their personal money of 3 billion euros , after Harry and camilla came to they spent some money to settle down in Liverpool and bought the house , cars , needed technology and renovation and spent a total amount of 30 million euros . 

so he plans to make a immediate money by using his information in fucture football , so he plans to bet on INTER MILAN winning the UCL , and SPAIN winning the world cup.

 so he plans to spend 10 million on Inter and 10 million on spain , after he planned and get to know the club various needs for devlopment, so he spent the remaining days in janauary knowing the needs . 

soon like this the janauary of 2010 came to an end,

In this time he get to know that the whole club is only has a title of Football Gaints , and other things are even older than the medium sized club. 

so he plans to spend the system money and Rebuild the as the whole, 

the plans for this is ,

1. Rent the everton stadium for a year, and rent a training ground nearby for the players and complete the renovation of anfield stadium to 70,000 seats and 15,000 seats for further expansion, a total of 85,000 seats.

2. spend money to buy all the latest quality equipments , and improve liverpool as one of the most modern stadium in the world.

3. expand the Infrastructure around the Liverpool club , and invest in youth training camps and other teams like Liverpool women team"

for this he plans to allocate 2.5 billion e

uros of system money in 3.3 billion euros .

and Adam also approached the city government for the expansion , and everything going well and we excepts to get the permission soon. after the permission was gotten the work will be started at the end of the season.

so after Harry got some rest , the day to go to germany was also comming soon. 

and the day before going to germany , Adam also came and said " boss, meeting is fixed and we can meet after 3 days "

Harry also said " mm understood you come to germany on the day of meeting , me and Camilla goes tomorrow"

Adam nodded and get to his work.

Harry came out and get on his car and came to his house .

Camilla was sitting and watiching tv , suddenly noticed i came and said " honey , you are home"

Harry nodded and kissed and said " get ready tomorrow we are going to germany for vacation for a weak.

Camilla smiled and nodded.

then they both eaten dinner and gone to room to sleep.